mats or expo


Expert Expediter
Some differences in truckshow MATS and wilmington expo

mats much larger -----expo more consentrated on what we do

expo one eo member in his fancy shorts----mats hooter girls in
thier shorts
expo nobody ask you what a expediter is---mats (oh your a


Veteran Expediter
MATS has,

The girls from the local Hooters

The Expo has,

OVM and his shorts


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
If you mainly need truck stuff, i.e. hardware etc., then MATS is a little better due to size and number of sources. If you need expediting information and contacts Expo is exponentially better (pun intended but still true).


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Mats is all about them. $25.00 to park WOW.

The Expo is made all about us. Lawrence has made the Expo all about the Expediter.
Every year Lawrence has made it bigger and better. The web page I'm still working on for the Expediters Hall of Fame has links to the Expo and to EO because EO makes you feel like family.