I did not read the letter, because they wouldn't allow me the whole 14 Min. to read it.
i did noted some points out toward the end .
mainly saying they need to do more of those listening sessions where truck can park.
that the ATA dose not represent the trucking industry, and told them why.
that the shortage of truck parking in large city's, and understaffed shippers/receivers is a direct results of the gov. shortcoming.
and also some other points.
i missed most of the session, but from what i did witness, many other drivers spoke very well about some of my letter points, so i kind of glad for not reading the letter.
i do have a way to submit it online, and they will specifically look for it.
i need to 1st re-wright it, to only address what i did had the chance to say.
overall, i think drivers did a good job, explaining the challenges we face, and we gut it in the book, so we can sue the crap out of the fmcsa when they ignore our input, which they will.