Marathon, Exit 2, I-65 Kentucky ... just fyi


Expert Expediter
They have a super clean place, have free wi-fi and provide showers with fuel purchases.

Beats the J across the street! And if ya really hungry, the Waffle House is just west of the Interstate!

I fuel there a lot with the Marathon credit card, so I can get my rebate!


Veteran Expediter
Fleet Owner
US Marines
Is this the truck stop that was called the KEY STOP at exit #2 in Franklin, Ky across from the the Flying J? I fueled there for years and it was one of our fuel stops.


Veteran Expediter
Yep. The ole Keystop. Completely redone and very nice. And if you can really go back, there used to be a motel associated with it along time ago (1970's). Motel is long since been torn down. Sorta a rat hole even it it's day. A good place to take a date when you were in high school, if you know what I mean!


Expert Expediter
Yes. it is the Keystop .... and while I was inside a bit ago, I heard the manager at the Burger King say they are putting in a salad bar real soon ...

If ya pull yer van right up in their faces by the front door, the wi-fi is an excellent signal. Not so much out here in the parking lot.

Right here at the border, Verizon goes bonkers! It leaves the service area of Tn and hits "Bill's Car Wash, Dog Market and Cell Service" in Ky!