Map Programs


Expert Expediter
Are there any software truck programs available and if not what would be the best mapping program to use?

One of the issues I continually to run into are PKWY's.



Expert Expediter
>Are there any software truck programs available and if not
>what would be the best mapping program to use?
>One of the issues I continually to run into are PKWY's.

I use ALK's CoPilot Truck Laptop4. It is truck specific and will keep you off the parkways and out from under low bridges. It's pricier than MS Streets&Trips, but less expensive than many of the stand alone GPS units.

I won't leave on a trip without it! Check out:



Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
As stated Laptop4 is truck specific. It is a good program however there are a few things that will be upgraded in the next version to make it more user friendly. The biggest, in my opinion, is the snap function that snaps the pointer to the central region of the screen. Sometimes you want the pointer near one edge to show more map in the direction of travel. The new version will let you turn off the snap so when you reposition the map it stays put. It's also going to have a huge amount of route updates in it. It has settings like avoid tolls, 53', etc. which are useful. If you keep it on the 53' setting you pretty much won't get routed into an area you shouldn't go to. Once in a while something slips through the cracks but that is uncommon. It's the only truck specific package I'm aware of.

Leo Bricker, owner trucks 3034, 4958
OOIDA 677319
73's K5LDB
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
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outwardbound 2

Expert Expediter
well i'm using MS street & trip but after looking at co-pilot laptop-4 for trucks i thing i'll switch. It would be nice to get to where i'm going with out that low bridge between it and me. Also my gps reciever is suction cupped to my windshield and i keep losing the satelites it would be a plus to be able to put the reciever outside.


Expert Expediter
been useing ms st and trip but i think ill look into that lap top 4 also, thats sounds nice, i have found a low bridge or to. but no other problems with it.:+

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Streets&Trips is fine for me being in a van. But, I had a D-unit friend call me for some directions and I had him looking at a grain elevator with 10' of clearence and no real easy way to turn around. When he called me back it went something like, "Now, I'm not really MAD at you, but..."


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Well, as soon as I give it a fairly green light it bites me you know where. I had a p/u in Louisville. I was parked at the stadium for the truck show. It took me to a road with an 11'6" clearance. I turned around and went back and picked up the interstate. That took me around and I got there ok but no thanks to CoPilot's original directions. It also failed to properly announce every turn. It would say "proceed ahead as name changes to" which sounds like you keep going the way you are going and the name of the road is going to change. Wrong. Each instance was a full 90 degree right or left turn off of street name X onto street name Y. As I said, it's an ok product that has deficiencies. Definitely better than nothing and hopefully the new version coming out in a couple months will correct much of this.

Leo Bricker, owner trucks 3034, 4958
OOIDA 677319
73's K5LDB
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Diane and I use both Co-Pilot Truck and DeLorme Street Atlas USA. The trouble is, neither product is the best one. Both are good but it would be wonderful if they could combine the best of both products into one.


Expert Expediter
hey i have friend that just bought garmin 2720 and it lets you choose,car, truck bus. that might be a good one,but i dont know how good it works, but you might research it.


Seasoned Expediter
RE:MS streets and trips 2006

there was an owner op listed a product in the for sale by owner section of said he had an update to ms streets and trips 2006 that was for truckers routes also updated places of interest to include all truck stops.

I think he wanted $10 for it

I just checked lcapp and dont see it now so I guess i will call them
and find out how to get it before I spend $400

what I would like to see is a version that would also show the weight stations so I dont pass one by mistake

it would be nice if it would also list the phone#,hours of operation
for each of them.maybe even a live preview of a traffic cam aimed at the open closed sign would be nice

that way I could call ahead to see if they was going to be open when I come by.if no one answers I guess they are closed

I know it sounds kinda crazy but how much fuel would I save by not having to slow down or move over from the hammer lane reading on of fifteen signs telling me a weight station is open or closed.


Veteran Expediter
I have Delorme, however I've never hooked it up. We don't have the room for an open computer in the cab area.

The thing that's worked best for us (besides only a couple times) is Mapquest. We zoom out till we see the interstate, then route ourselves from the highway to the dock. We write the directions down on paper and we're on our way.