Seasoned Expediter
Has anyone else noticed a major problem with fuel lately? What I mean by that is we have noticed; You fuel at the X-Brand place and you head down the hyway and all of a sudden your horsepower is cut to half. It becomes sluggish and you lose power. We have been asking alot of questions and have found many big truck drivers are have simuliar problems. So we investigated farther and even the fuel desk has admitted to the lower octane. If you are having any of these problems this is just a suggestion go to Walmart (lower price than truck stop) and use Diesel Fuel Supplement, from Power Service, with Slick Diesel for Maximum fuel Lubrication. When you go to fuel put it in before you fuel, half on both sides of tank 40 on each side.
Do it three consecutive times of fueling. It works, runs like a new truck again. This is just a suggestion but when the lights come on it is an easier fix than taking it to a shop!! Hey notice all the trucks on the side of the road lately and you just fueled next to them at the truck stop!!
Do it three consecutive times of fueling. It works, runs like a new truck again. This is just a suggestion but when the lights come on it is an easier fix than taking it to a shop!! Hey notice all the trucks on the side of the road lately and you just fueled next to them at the truck stop!!