Low Bridges


Not a Member
I have recently had a few close calls with low bridges that could easily have resulted in a bad accident.

Does anyone know of a good GPS system or add on for my Garmin that would give a low bridge warning?

Something like a speed camera POI list could work, but I can't seem to find anything.

Many thanks.


Expert Expediter
randy used to put low bridge locations in that truckers road atlas. check there when going on new rout.


Veteran Expediter
The newest Rand I have has a list of low clearances in it. So yes, it can be used to plan your routes a little more in detail.

And there is a way to put POI in your Garmin. I have never tried it, but am sure someone here knows how. I was not aware that it takes another software program to do it though. But then I don't know everything.