Taking a step back. Financing is a problem. Would probably be easier if looking at new truck. Knowing all the possible problems, I would rather lose small than big while learning. Stepping back for a breather allows for more information gathering. Time to finish Haz-Mat and making preps at home. I can then also look at other trucks. The one I was looking at would do the job but was possibly a bit over priced. If I'm living in it, I could handle more than just a bed and a shelf. So anyway, I'm in the market for a truck and would appreciate any and all leads. Meanwhile , I'll be here soaking it all in. At some point I will get on and introduce myself. As a tid-bit, I've been a painter for most of 35 yrs. In bidding I consider what I'm painting, how long it will take me, cost of materials, wear and tear on equipment, how much profit I made, historically, (if any) on similar jobs, ect. Sound similar to what you consider when looking at loads? Be safe, be prosperous.