BTW, good thought John but LEAM ain't allowing it, thats the problem they say we cannot even go to the store or to a resturant, or most importantly to a safe place to get some rest after we deliver and are relieved of our responsibility for the load, right now I am sitting in a lets say less than ideal place after delivering this morning waiting to get my hours back, soon I am going to be able to move, the nearest T/S is about 20 miles away and I am going to go there of course the clock starts when I move, sure hope I don't get a load offer that I will have to turn down because I moved 20 miles and don't have enough time to do the run, I am also looking foreward to the restroom facilities as the bushes are full of poison ivy lol one good thing though Landstar has put me on an interesting diet,since the nearest resturant is about 3 miles away and too far to walk too, on the downside I haven't been able to sleep all day because of the unsafe place I am forced to park but I am logging it just how I am doing it 10 hrs. in the bunk watching thermometer rise and the clock tick by, should get a good nites sleep though since it will have been at least 35 hours since I last slept should pass out real easily. Safety First you know