lock your doors and get out you guns


Seasoned Expediter
just wanted to let you guys know there is a rash of theft going on at Dallas truck stops.Last night we had our windows down about 5-6 inches
because a/c was not working worth a flip.when we awoke this morning my
pants were gone from my seat where for sixteen years I have always laid my pants.I later found my pants up under a trailer near the shop at the
T/A.The reason I say a rash of theft,is there is another panther driver
that was sleeping while her husband walked the dog someone had climbed up in the truck and stole her purse while she was sleeping this happend
a couple of weeks ago at the flying J here in Dallas.and the police that came and took our report said there has been alot of that going on around here.Goes to show you times have changed I never even use to lock my doors even to go inside and eat I would go in and watch TV for a few
hours take a shower get a bite to eat be in there for no telling how long and would come back and nothing bothered have done this for 16 years and nothing like this has ever happend to me.Now when I see someone walk by my truck that looks like they don't belong I see red and
my blood boils with anger.anyway just be more aware of your surroundings
and make sure them doors are locked.Oh by the way they also took the keys I had hanging on the wing window.just a lovely way to start to the week.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
That really sucks but it's a good reminder to everyone that you can't trust anyone you don't know and everyone should be considered suspicious until proven otherwise. That's an annoying position to have to take but it's the only one you can safely take these days.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
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Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Not surprising for Dallas. Have run into more panhandlers and lot lizards there than any place.

Glad Carol insisted that doors be locked everywhere. A good habit believe me.


Veteran Expediter
I've already made it such a habit to lock the door, and replace keys on beltloop, as soon as I get in the truck, that it's automatic now. But it's a good heads-up, thanks.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
This day and age, nothing, anywhere is secure or exempt from being stolen. Obviously if a thief wants it bad enough they will take it, the idea is not to make it easy for them as most of them are lazy for the most part. In the past, a lot of times when parking in areas which I was not too sure of, I would pull the curtains on my van, turn on the tv and turn up the volume. At night it appeares as though someone is in the vehicle should you be inside eating.

Windows up, doors locked. Would suggest locking your box door also, even though empty, you may wind up with an unexpected passenger and not know about it. Try explaining three illegals in your box to a DOT Cop, for once I can assure you an illegal alien would become of interest, why, because there in your truck, otherwise no one would give a crap about them.

When you exit your vehicle for any extended period of time take a look at your surroundings, if you see something that looks suspicious it probably is. Cab curtains can be a pain in the tail, but what thief wants to take the chance, you at least put doubt in their mind if the truck is occupied or not, I gotta say it takes a "big set". to reach in and take some guys pants. Any van driver out there interested in a window guard I had made up let me know, will try and post a pic. Could roll and keep window down with relative security. Was not fool proof but the guy would have to make a lot of noise before getting access to the inside. Would probably work on straight trucks also.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
One of the things I did was to loop a dog watch chain across both arm rests in my FL 70. Th clasp to unlock it was in the middle. This way neither door could be opened from the outside. They would have to break the window and somehow try to get in to remove the chain. If I needed to get out fast it would only take a second to unclasp the chain so I could open the door.

I also ran a extension pull line from the air horn line into the sleeper. If I heard something suspicious I could blow the horn from the sleeper.

When I first came up with my idea about the chain my wife laughed at me. One night in San Jose Ca we were sleeping in a Ralphs lot when she woke me at 0400 and said "I heard something by the passengr door". I looked out,saw nothing,crawled out of the bed and looked and it was a sprinkler that had come on and was hitting the door. The next morning she said" When I heard that noise I was glad you had the chain up on the doors".

The only time I ever had anyone try to break in was in Montgomery AL(big suprise from that paradise on earth). i was asleep,heard a noise and there was a guy outside with about a two foot long screwdriver that he was going to try to pry open the door. I hit the air horn extension line and he bailed as I did to a safer area.


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
When we traveled we had our two attack puppies.
Two killer pomeranians:7

Amazingly, they heard any sound when someone would even touch the truck.

23 years
EO moderator


Veteran Expediter
My younger daughter has a black Lab that always lets you know when someone is around - right after they knock on the door, lol
I like Rich's air horn extension, it's a great idea - powerful, but nonlethal deterrence, that's the ticket!


Seasoned Expediter
the thing here is we were in the truck doors were locked but we had windows down about 5 inches or so because a/c not working the best in the world whoever it was took a stick and lifted my pants off the seat and we didn't hear a thing.the stick was laying in the floorboard when
we got up.thing that makes me madder then a wet set hen is what the #####
do they have a a fence for and charge you $12 if you don't buy there high priced fuel.The plaza manager himself told me with his own mouth he
never considered his parking lot a secure parking area.so whats the $12
for.I guess just to add some more revenue to the highway robbery scheme


Expert Expediter
I also believe in the "two dog" security system. My dogs are grizzled truck vets, and it is definitely OUR cab..lol. My German Shepard "Cajun Gypsy" sits on the passenger seat when I'm gone, (although when I'm in the truck, she enjoys cuddling on the bunk with me...saves idling for warmth..if you don't don't mind the occasional dog lick to face), and my chow mix, chewy, is one vigilante SOB. When I close the curtain, he likes to stay out front in the drivers seat and watch the lot. It's funny how many times I've seen druggies, hookers and vagrant see my dogs, and just walk right pass my truck. One bark goes a long way. I could even go to eat inside that ratty truckstop in Laredo and not worry about break-ins! :)


Staff member
Retired Expediter
It's not as bad a problem in a van, as the van/car parking lot isn't quite the "jungle" as the big truck lots are. Still, thieves are mostly opportunists, and they'll hit a van if the opportunity is there.

That's one of the reasons I'm not a big fan of all manner of electronic equipment suction-cupped to the windshield - even with curtains up, they can see it all, they see something they like and wait for you to to in to eat or shower, and it's theirs.

Sprinter owners should take note, turns out it's brain-dead easy to pop the side triangle window with a screw driver, simply wedge the screw driver under the weather seal and pop, giving easy access to the door lock right below. It takes seconds, not unlike popping the lid off a gallon paint can, except the window gets popped in, instead of out. (It's truly OMG! astoundingly easy, and it likely won't even break the window, and is just as easily repaired by popping it all back in. Nice, huh?) They can't steal the van by doing that, unless you've left the keys in the ignition and have locked the doors with a spare key, but they can certainly get inside easy enough.

I cover my windows with cut-to-fit thermal coverings (reflective) so that no one can see what all I have in here.

On the side windows I have the air deflectors which enables me to crack the windows a few inches without there being an unimpeded avenue into the van. When I want to crack the windows even more I have those screened metal inserts that let air in, but keep flies and vandals out. They stick into the window tracks and are very secure (unless a potential thief knows about the side triangle window thing. Shhhh. The triangle window thing is a secret).

Slow and steady, even in expediting, wins the race - Aesop


Expert Expediter
Things like this is not just happening at truck stops but at malls, shopping centers, on street corners, and in neighborhoods all accross the country. WHY? Well, its that time of year! From just before Thanksgiving right up to Christmas Eve the thieves and low lifes are looking for money. They rob, steal and get money or items any way they can EXCEPT working for it!

Pappy ;)


Staff member
There are a lot of good ideas here but one that has not been said for new people looking at this job is you cannot have a gun in a commercial vehicle.

Due to a suggestion from Leo we had stickers made for our truck that say we are equipped with a silent alarm system. No one has to know that refers to our dog Molly who never barks just gives looks. I feel if that is also a detractor to would be thief's.

What I worry about is our truck getting broke into is when we both gather up our shower bags and take off for the truck stop. Everyone pretty much knows you are going to be inside for at least an hour. Anyone watching the truck knows that even if the curtains are shut there is no one there.


Expert Expediter
This is a very good post and definitely something to be aware of as the holidays and economic times are here. I think it is time for us expediters to unite in this safety effort.
When we are at a truck stop try to park close to each other.
Keep a watch on the other persons truck when they are out eating, showering, ect.
There are plenty of us in most major trucks lets look out for one-another!!!


Veteran Expediter
Historically, during periods of high unemployment and reductions in personal income, the crime rate increases.

Folks do not want to adjust their spending habits to compensate for the reduction in their buying power, so they just begin to take what they want.

Need proof? Check with your local PD regarding their stats on car jackings, home invasions, purse snatching, armed robberies or any other crime that relates to an immediate gain of some tangible item.

I believe one would have to weigh the risk when deciding whether or not to carry a firearm.

Lose my license...or lose my life?

PS. I have yet to meet the first CDL holder whoever was charged with CCW.


Expert Expediter
Here's a couple of ideas an personal protection devices!
In many states, even pepper spray is illegal so what does one do?

A small fire extinguisher when sprayed in someones face will or can smother and disable a person.

A can of hair srray or a can of WD 40 and a cigarette lighter.

Hold lighter and light it--Hold hair spray or WD 40 back about 10 inches and spray onto flame pointing in the direction of an attacker.
This can singe hair, eyebrows and lashes,Permanantly scar a face and even kill an attacker if they inhale the flames.

A can of wasp and hornet killer---The kind that sprays 12 to 15 feet can blind or disable a person.

Do'nt know about all you guys but if it boils down to me or someone else---Well it'll be someone else!

Pappy :)


Staff member
If you choose to carry a gun in your truck against the law do not take a load into Canada. This is a federal offence and you will lose your lease and you will go to jail and you truck will get impounded.

If you make your living driving a truck with a CDL you need to be aware of how easy it is will be to lose that license. Is it worth it to you to lose your job carrying a gun, drinking or having drugs in your truck? Think long and hard about the consequences of these actions before you do it.


Veteran Expediter
Turtle made an excellent point: thieves are opportunists, not planners. Whenever I leave my truck, I remove the Garmin from it's holder, and place it out of sight. That's a lot easier to do than replace it.


Expert Expediter
Teamcaffie you are only half correct on a gun in a cmv. You are correct about canada- do not even think of going in there with one.
Also your carrier that you are leased to may have a rule against it, as they may term your lease if they catch you with it. I have been out here in a cmv for about 14 years and have been looking for something set in stone about having one in you cmv, have not found it yet, and I have read alot of stuff, no one can ever point it out directly. I have asked very many local,state and dot officers about this and I am always told the same thing which is I am to respect the state laws for the state I am in. I even know that ohio has a provision in there ccw law that permits large trucks and "all cmv's" to carry in lawful manner. you can look up the ohio ccw rules on line "just google search it" I am a ccw holder and the only reason I may not carry a firearm in this vehicle is because of my carriers lease. They would term my contract if I were caught by them or another driver. When I drove over the road in a 18 I always had one not just for protection but because I us to be a compition shooter and I would go to the GSSF matches "GSSF -- Glock sport shooting foundation". If you choose to carry a firearm in your truck please check with the states in which you plan to carry there are alot of different laws from state to state. there are alot of states that the firearm must be unloaded and stored in a locked case out of the reach of the driver from the seat and the ammo must also be stored in a different place. what I have typed above is for info only please do all your own reseach on this topic. I just felt I had to add my .02 cents because I am tired of hearing you can't have a gun in your truck. You would be surprized at how many truckers legally do!!



Veteran Expediter
60MPH: I appreciate the effort you've put into finding the correct information, and I'd tend to believe you're right. BUT, as most of us drive interstate, it's not much use to be legally able to carry concealed in some states, but not others. I mean, really - do you ditch the weapon somewhere, when leaving Ohio, because it's illegal in the adjoining state? (That's just an example - I know the law in Ohio is as stated, but I don't know the other states' laws) Is that what law enforcement means by 'throwaway guns'?