Let's Go UK!


Staff member
Retired Expediter
You're rooting against a team from Kentucky?!?! I'm aghast! Shocked! Outraged!

I crack myself up.

Louisville won today, as did the team entering the tournament with the nation's best record. So it appears that one of the "Kentucky Four" will be sent home tonight.


Staff member
You're rooting against a team from Kentucky?!?! I'm aghast! Shocked! Outraged!

I crack myself up.

Louisville won today, as did the team entering the tournament with the nation's best record. So it appears that one of the "Kentucky Four" will be sent home tonight.

Yah, pretty much blue country here - my wife is from Winchester. Oh, plus a few L-ville people who were displaced during the potato famine of 1963. :D


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Except for that little red blotch on the map just around Louisville, pretty much the whole state is Blue. Waaaay down here in the western part of the state (where contrary to popular belief in Frankfort, most of us do actually wear shoes on occasion, although far too many have regular overalls and Sunday Go To Meetin' overalls), we root for UK as a matter of course, and for Murray State as a matter of pride and community. We rarely have to root for one or the other, because they never play each other.

Next up for #6 Murray (31-1) is #3 Marquette (26-7).
Don't root for Marquette. :D