Lethal injection deemed unconsititutional


Veteran Expediter
Several death row inmates have been fighting a completion of their sentence so they can live out their time on our dime. Well the problem is that the use of lethal injection is cruel because it is painful but not one person who went through this procedure complained later on.

But as I am one who believes in the death penalty in all cases where murder takes place or attempted murder for that matter, I also believe that the sentence should take place after 90 days, one appeal and nothing else. It is something that is owed to the victims and the society especially with today's technology - there is no reason why a guilty person should be allowed to live past that 90 days.

And as a solution to the lethal injection issue, I feel another invention that was used with a lot of success (No one complained after about how painful it was) and it fits into todays world better because it green (it don't need electricity and is usable for hundreds of uses before parts need to be replaced) - the Guillotine.

And the best part, it is a public domain invention so we don't have to pay the French each time it is used.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I have to disagree a little bit. I would possibly allow 2 appeals. Whichever side wins 2 out of 3 prevails. If the conviction holds on the first appeal that's it. If the defense won the appeal the state could choose to try again and that's the deciding point. I'd also probably allow 6 months for prep, just so the state has more time if they need it for round 3.

Execution would be by hanging in front of the county courthouse in the county where the crime was committed. Hangings would be at noon on Friday and removal would be at 09:00 Monday.

Any death resulting from the crime itself or actions of the criminal after the crime would be a capital offense. That would include any death of any citizen while fleeing the scene as well. The use of a weapon during the commission of the crime would also result in capital punishment regardless of loss of life or no loss of life.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB
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Veteran Expediter
I have read that the procedure for lethal injection is a three part series of injections. The talking head on TV sez it's not like what is used to put down animals. Why don't the folks in charge of the prison systems go to the local vet and see what the vet uses. Probably a lot cheaper, too.
:+ :+


Veteran Expediter
The crazy thing is they sit in prison for 15 years before thier execution date, and don't start worrying about an appeal until the last minute.


Seasoned Expediter
ok so its painful what about the pain that these people on death row caused others as well as there victums so i say sit down shut up and take what is coming to you you sure as ##### did,nt give the person you hurt a chance to an appeal now did you and for all you bleeding peaceniks who think the death penalty is inhumane shut up and get over it to I KNOW I KNOW FREEDOM OF SPEECH well what about the person that was murdered by these guys wheres in the ##### is there freedom i apolagize if i offended anyone here with this little rant but at the same time i don,t care this is a very personal and painful subject for me


Veteran Expediter
We'd have t change the law in Arkansas before we could hang someone. As it stands now it's a felony to tie or posess a hangman's noose. Just thought I'd let ya'll in on some info you'll most likely never use again. I love those interesting tidbits they don't teach you in school.


Expert Expediter
I agree wholeheartedly with Greg
The guillotine is nice snd quick
No pain,but i understand that when your
melon is lopped off,your eyes still focus
because your brain doesn't know it is dead yet

Whitewolf 53

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