Leo Trucker Buddy


Veteran Expediter
Tell us more about your class and how they respond to your post cards, what do you say on them? You posted earlier that you visited the class but please list 1-10 your obligations and response from these students.... How often do you communicate and do you send photos of where you have been, by mail or Computer?

Anyone else doing this????


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I write to the class about 3 or 4 times a month. About once a month I write a letter and the others are postcards. They have a big map and tape them to the state I wrote from. I tell them about where I've been and things like when a coyote runs across the road in front of me at 0130 in the morning or whatever seems interesting. They write me once a month and ask questions about my job, truck etc. or tell me about somebody they know who's a truck driver or whatever is on their mind. I chose a class near home because 1. it's near home and easy to visit and 2. a friend's son is in it. I've visited 3 times now and they had enough questions to use up all 3 visits. I'll be going back in May to be one of the participants in their career day. I took the truck a day after it was finished and they climbed in and checked it out and each one gave a quick tug on the air horn cord. I'll keep doing the program with the same teacher in the future. It's a GREAT program and I highly recommend it. See www.truckerbuddy.org for info on it.

Leo Bricker, owner trucks 3034, 4958
OOIDA 677319
73's K5LDB
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator 1+ Years of Service
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