Great article. I think the Jeff Jones spec'ed KW's are great expedite trucks. I tested one this past spring and wanted to buy one. But, you gotta have BIG bucks up front. (Like in the neighborhood of $15-20 grand). I think that's a big reason why Jeff still had 4 of his original 10 2001 T300 HDX's on his lot this spring, and one for sale on consignment. That's half of them. No decent financing = no sales. Go to the bank with a towel around your head and you'll probably get financed with little down, just don't show them your facts and plans if experienced.
I couldn't believe the one lady in the article didn't like the Eaton Super 10. I thought that thing was neat for a non-synchro. I have a straight 10 speed in my current truck, and the Super 10 is a lot less work. Still, if you have to "concentrate" on shifting, you shouldn't be driving a truck. Jeff doesn't keep up with the tech stuff as much as he should though, as Eaton Auto-shifts have been around for a while and are tougher and more reliable than Allison automatics. He personally admitted to me he doesn't go on the internet too much. Shame on him.
The J.J. Spec'ed KW T300's are great trucks, if you can afford one and get financed. Leftover 2001's were $69,900. His next batch are 2003's at over $80k a copy. Ouch.