Katie needs to go


Veteran Expediter
I find CBS as a news service is really really bad and it is like it is on par with some kid’s neighborhood news service, remember those? They really need a real house cleaning from the top down and get rid of the fluff in their reporting.

I mean the latest Rather moment happened last week with Katie Couric doing a “video essay†on libraries which was actually plagiarized by a “producer†who has been since fired.

What bothers me the most if Couric is supposed to be a professional, follow some sort of Journalistic ethics but failed to even do the basic requirement of her job, fact checking and needs to take the responsibility of this mess because she all she did was pass the buck.

In the past with real journalist, like Ed Morrow or Huntley—Brinkley team or even Cameron Swayze we knew that they did all their own copy, checked the facts and had standards. Since Cronkite and his ‘we lost the war’ comments, we have had to deal with substandard reporting, a slew of anchors who are more ‘stars’ than reporters and even a person who should have been fired for reporting on and supporting falsified documentation to sway an election – Rather.

Bugsy Siegel

Seasoned Expediter
CBS seems, imo, to be out for one thing, sensationalized propaganda.

Sadly, most "news" broadcasts are out for the same thing. Facts no longer count in reporting events, it's all about ratings and who can get the most.


Expert Expediter
I made a decision about Katie 12 yrs ago while watching her on morning tv. Hated it!!! LOL :+


Senior Moderator
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Just alittle too much giddy laughing in the news broadcasts for me.

22 years
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Veteran Expediter
Can we film the operation? Is the head dead yet?
The boys in the newsroom got a running bet.
Get the widow on the set.
We need dirty laundry.

-Vampire Super Slooth Trucker!!!


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
The only person on the air nationally who isn't a liar and is worth listening to is Paul Harvey.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
>The only person on the air nationally who isn't a
>liar and is worth listening to is Paul Harvey.

Sadly Leo, we can't clone Mr. Harvey.


Veteran Expediter
Paul Harvey is a senile old man who by the way is more racist than Imus.....I sure hope you get to go back to work soon.You've been thinking way too much :D


Veteran Expediter
Ok letzrockexpress,

Please please please explain;

Why do you think he is a senile old man?


How is he racist?

Oh can you tell me what racist means?

Please answer the question.

Also If you think Harvey is a senile old man who is racist, what does that make Cronkite?

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Letsrock, can you cite a specific example of something Paul Harvey has said that shows racism? I've been listening to him for more than 25 years and I've never heard anything of that nature. Senile? Far from it. For a guy that's pushing 90, I think he does a great job.


Veteran Expediter
I was stating a personal opinion. I have listened to Paul Harvey since I was about eleven or twelve. On many occasions when for instance he is reading a story about something that happened in the inner city,etc, he uses that voice in flection of his to let the listener know (in my opinion) that "oh boy, it's them again"
As far as the senility, well, those are harsh words...I probably should have chosen some other description but his delivery is definitely not what it used to be... he trips over words and pauses between words that (once again in my opinion) he wouldn't have done a few years ago.The fact that he does a good job for pushing 90 doesn't mean anything to me. When the product fatigues it is time to go.
Once again this is my opinion...just as Greg saying "Paul Harvey is the only newsperson worth listening to and isn't a liar" How do you know he isn't a liar?


Seasoned Expediter
You can tell someone is rascist by the inflection of their voice??
That's good, I can detect appeasing white guilt by the appearance of certain text submittance.


Veteran Expediter
Well first I didn’t say that, Leo did but that’s ok.

I understand where you are coming from but here is the thing I have to be defensive about Harvey. Harvey comes from the old school of journalism/radio, not the new school and remains steady in his comments, delivery and ethics since his start in radio which is 1933. He has been on the air longer and has been the longest running news commentator of all times who has out lived Cronkite who started in 1935 and the ‘standard’ Murrow who also started in 1935 – he must be doing something right.

As for being a liar, well I don’t know. It is hard to judge someone who seems to be careful in his deliver and content as he is and who seems to be telling the news instead of opinion all the time. But seeing that the AP, Reuters and other news organizations are carefree with the truth and abuse the Journalists Code of Ethics all the time by lying and using the news for political gains, I would say he would be last on the list of liars.

You can read those ethics and judge for yourself, at;


I can say that his copy is well written and consistent to the letter. He is of course advertiser driven, which is how he makes his living and I do know that he does not pick just any product to throw up on his show.

As for age, well let’s see how you are doing at 90. I think, no strongly feel that if you are doing the same job for 74 years, you will get tired quicker than you would at 50 or 60 years old. Frank Sinatra when he was 65 had serious problems remembering song lyrics and had to come up with a way to remember them, so Harvey at 25 years beyond that seems to be doing a good job.

There may be an inflection but I think it is not a racist (correctly speaking you do mean bigoted) position he is coming from but one more like disgust and frustration. Seeing that many times the issues that we are afraid to talk about, like true racism/bigotry we all face, are purposely hidden so we don’t have to deal with them and when someone brings up a subject, we tend to be over sensitive about how things are presented to us as an audience member. A lot of times we qualify a lack judgment, comments, actions or dialog on any race issue by taking the position that we can’t talk about it because of a lack of experience or some other stupid concept. If one person seems to be disgusted and voices their opinion, it is an automatic branded as racist speech (incorrectly applied) and ignored.

But if Harvey is racist/bigoted in your opinion, I can accept that but then you must also accept that I think that Oprah, Sharpton, Jackson, Cronkite and Larry King to name a few who are also extremely racist/bigots and opportunist to the point that they will sell out all of us to make a dollar.

My conclusion has been for a long time that we need more Harveys and a lot less Katies. I have had a dislike for her for a long time and I think CBS should have never ever considered her for anything except a weather girl on some local station. Sexist? Well it has nothing to do with her gender but she has not good delivery quality to me and many others. I don’t like fluff, I just want the facts.


Veteran Expediter
Greg, I am with you on the Katie thing...I didn't say I wasn't. I never could stand that b**ch when she was on the Today show. The way she used to talk over people just infuriated me. I was only commenting on Harvey because that was the post at the time.
It doesn't matter how I am doing at 90 if I am even still around. If I am not getting it done then I am not getting done. If I can't see it myself at the time then somebody needs to take me down.By the way, I don't think he is a liar: I was trying to make a point.
Vandecamp...As I was saying earlier it is my opinion that he is racist...If you can sense "White Guilt" as you call it then good for you. Would you like a cookie?


Veteran Expediter
Got it..

But let me ask you this;

Who do you think actually does a good job in writing and presenting the news to an audience today?


Veteran Expediter
The problem with the news today is that there are jounalists and then there are the talking heads that read it. Years ago journalists did everything. Today it is about entertainment and ratings. The journalists go out and do the dirty work behind the scenes and then the beautiful smiling heads spew out their sound bites for us to soak up. I am not impressed with any of the national news people today with the possible exception of Bill Simon or Bob Orr..both with CBS. They are kind of throwbacks to the way it used to be, not this candy coated crap that is being passed off as news.


Veteran Expediter
OK let's take this a step further...

Knowing the difference, what may be the problem today with most journalist in this country.

I mean if you read the Journalist creed and the code of ethics, what in your opinion seems to be the real problem we have outside of the 'talking head' syndrome?

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Letsrock, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. But, let's look at your example of the inner city. Let's say the the story is about the state of families in the inner city. The story would, no doubt, mention the high percentage of fatherless homes and the high number of homes with several children fathered by as many men. Would his inflection be racist, or frustration with a sad and harsh reality? I would suggest the latter.

Yes, he does trip over words more than he used to. I'm willing to give him a pass on that.


Seasoned Expediter
Letzrock, of course you are entitled to your opinion, I'm just thoroughly disgusted by the apologist attitudes by most of the liberal media- quote Meredith: " Reverend Jackson, I APOLOGISE FOR ASKING" in reference to his HymieTown comment about NYC, Hey I can appreciate someone who thinks CBS is a credible source of news- I used to think Dan Rather and Walter Cronkite were credible- when I was in junior high.. Time magazine, owned by CBS... Cookie? Gimme a vanilla wafer- hold the chips.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
As several have pointed out clearly and well, Paul Harvey is neither racist nor bigoted, he is frustrated by the bad acts that are so common in certain areas and groups. If he were either a racist or a bigot that would slip out at times in statements he makes. I too have noticed he doesn't have the booming voice he had 30 years ago but that's one of the things we all can look forward to as we age.

He doesn't report on anything he hasn't personally investigated. He isn't a parrot spouting what his keeper handed him. He's a reporter. He isn't a wannabe attempting to shape or make policies or decisions by slanted delivery of one side of a story. He's a reporter. On those rare occasions when he does include his opinion he clearly labels it as commentary or "this reporter's opinion".

He is the last journalist. He isn't a Dan "Rather not be bothered with facts or the truth" so let's not only make up the story but let's make up supposed supporting documents as well. Nobody in the mainstream media is worthy to be in the same room with Mr. Harvey. When he is gone there will be no reporters left.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5508, 5509, 5641
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.