Justices’ Arizona Ruling on Illegal Immigration May Embolden States


Veteran Expediter
They can do whatever they want, as long as they don't make other states pay for their mess... like California does.


Retired Expediter
It just sends out the wrong message...like a welcome to illegals....is all I am saying....it makes the fight harder...


Veteran Expediter
Yea it sends the wrong message. The facts are that illegals cost the gov (tapayers) more in social services then most states pay to welfare recipients and the bulk of that is in medical expenses....border states have closed hospitals because there was more free care going out to illegals then paying clients insurance ayments, cash, gov payments) and they couldn't stay in business because they went broke...BUT as long as it is on the STATE level, then that is up to those in the state to deal with and fund it!!! Yea its still not the way it should be done, but as Tenn said as long as they don't ask the other people outside their state to pay...oh well...just keep the mess there....

But where the states what to make an attempt to fix the problem, Arizona is right, go after the employers hard!! And beyond that, tell the barry and eric to go to h8ll and profile everyone on any tyoe of interaction between the public and LEO and arrest the illegals that are found....


Expert Expediter
I think I heard there are some 12 million illegals or maybe more I say round them up and send them home to what ever country they came from and to those that say that it would be impossible I say bull s@!t we should at least try no matter what race, religion , sex, or country illegal is illegal , get out


Seasoned Expediter
Gee, I don't know how we can have a illegal immigrant problem. Our great federal goverment fixed this problem back in the 1980's. They passed laws requiring proper documentation for employment. There were penaltys for employers who knowingly hired illeagal immigrants. I don't believe any of these laws have been repealed. I know they were never inforced. Why blame the immigrants? If my life was crap and I could improve it by sneeking across a border I'd do it. So would you. Blame our politicians who would do anything for a contribution or vote. Blame special interest groups like the Chamber of Commerce who worship cheap labor and think the middle class is a curse. Blame unions that believe new members and dues are more important than serving their current members. States and countys will attempt to fix immigration problems if allowed to do so, but will eventually be over ridden by the federal government and courts so that the great middle class give away can continue.


Seasoned Expediter
I just bought 4 t shirts from Wal Mart for 11 bucks.

20 years ago you could have bought 4 T shirts from Walmart for 8 bucks and they would have lasted longer than 3 washings. That was back when Sam Walton wrote his book about "Buying American".


Veteran Expediter
20 years ago you could have bought 4 T shirts from Walmart for 8 bucks and they would have lasted longer than 3 washings. That was back when Sam Walton wrote his book about "Buying American".

But that 8 bucks wouldve cost me 11 with the exchange rate back then :D