Just saying Hello


Expert Expediter
I just wanted to say I have been reading your threads for a long time and never really felt the need for me to post anything because of all the information you can search for. But me and the wife are counting down for us to finally try and get into expediting, I have been looking from the outside in and really like this side of the industry. I already have my Class A CDL's I just havent used them in 4 years due to kids and the like..By next summer it will be just me and the wife and hopefully the freight will pick back up. We are both second generation truck drivers but not on the expedite side. Anyway I look forward to reading more of the threads here and hopefully one day meet some of you at one of the expedite expo's.


Seasoned Expediter
welcome! I am more or less in your position, spending my days lurking and learning. I also have my cdl A, and havent driven for the last three years for much the same reasons. Our kids are in college now, and my wife is ready to get her class B. It isnt the best time for the industry but it is the best time for us! I would start tomorrow if i could, but patience is a virtue.. and virtue is it's own punishment. So back to studying, cutting expenses and getting our ducks in a row. good luck!



Expert Expediter
Hey Chip good luck to you as well. If it wasnt for the freight and us moving back towards NC we would probably start tomorrow as well..But us being down here in hot FL not a very good location..We are originally from Western NC, near Asheville cant wait to be able to go back home..If you havent already look at ATEAM's blog some really good reading from start until now.


Seasoned Expediter
I have indeed read A team's blog, and i thank them for the effort! I have been scouring the internet for all the information i can find, good and bad (rip off report makes me want to cash in and move to a deserted island, but has saved me more than one misstep).

I envy you being stuck in sunny florida, my folks retired south of daytona, i havent been down there for a few years. I am on the northeast corner of oklahoma.. not exactly an expediting hot spot, but once we are on the road we have little reason to be home anyway.


Expert Expediter
I hear you..I dont think Asheville is a hotspot either but as you once were on the road the truck is our home. Are you going to train your wife or is she going to a school? I havent decided yet but, looking at all options.

I currently work for a vendor of Disney as a System/Network administrator company is called arribas brothers. So I am not in any hurry but same time looking forward to change.


Seasoned Expediter
I will be training my wife. it works on a couple levels, first several thousand dollars for a school instead of a few hundred for doing it on our own doesnt work for me. she is a good driver, and has driven a standard transmission most of her life... straight truck shouldnt be too big a leap. and second, it is payback for her training me (without my knowledge) for the last 22 years! if we are still married after the training, then we have a better chance of still being married after a year in the truck. :D

I am also not in a hurry.. other than i am excited about the post empty nest changes. I have owned my own business doing residential house designs/engineering/drafting for most of the last 10 years, apart from an otr driving stint to get away from clients. Who knew i would be hooked?


Expert Expediter
I have thought about training my wife as well the thing I am worried about is remembering the pre-trip test..lol..Also the HOS changed right after I left truck driving, so I am just not sure which way I will be leaning.


Staff member
I wish both of you good luck!

We also waited till the kids were out of the house and then we took off and have never looked back. We are having more fun now then we ever have and really enjoy what we are doing. When we figured out this is what we wanted to get into we like you started getting our ducks in a row.

Keep reading and asking questions as I think that makes the first big leap a bit easier!


Seasoned Expediter
as far as the pretrip and hos thing goes.. i found a place online that you can pay 25 bucks or so and get videos which appear to be about the equivelant of the training i got in school but without putting up with the crackhouse they called a hotel. If it is worth looking at i will let you know.


Veteran Expediter
Just a suggestion, save the money and learn the chart in the back of the CDL manual - that is the one that is followed on the tests and it is really simple after practicing.

There are free videos out there, a lot of them on pre-trips alone.