Birthday! July 11 - Somebody has a birthday


Veteran Expediter
I want to point out that tomorrow, July 11 is a very important date for all of us.

We all depend on something that was a vision of one person who moved this from a concept to reality.

It wasn't a new idea - someone else had the vision and brought it to reality twenty years prior.

Any guess?


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
RE: Jully 11 - Somebody has a birthday

Al Gore, the inventor of the internet?

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 5507, 5508, 5509
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Jully 11 - Somebody has a birthday

Nope, but close - his father had something to do with it.


I would guess and have to say it's Larence's birthday. If so Happy Birthday Larence. :)

Drive safe

Dave Mayfield
FEDExCC/Roberts Express O/O Since 3/1/1995


Administrator Emeritus
Charter Member
The Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1916 was signed by President Woodrow Wilson on July 11, 1916, creating funding for roads.

40 years later, Senator Al Gore, Sr., introduced legislation to fund an Interstate system inspired by the German autobahn. This would become the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956, also known as the National Interstate and Defense Highways Act, and was signed June 29, 1956 by Dwight D. Eisenhour.

Where's my prize?


Forums Administrator


Ability is what you're capable of doing...
Motivation determines what you do...
Attitude determines how well you do it. (Lou Holtz)



Veteran Expediter
Dreamer – you are right. Prize? I wish I cold afford giving a prize out but remember the prize should be the satifaction of knowing something others don't!

One of the most important date for us should be today, (outside July 4, and the other holidays). Without the highways we drive on, we would be in a factory or something like that.

Today fifty years ago work started on the Federal Highway system modeled after Hitler’s vision of a highway system to provide access for citizens to cities and move troops - the Autobahn (actually one big reason he embraced the idea was to put people to work with worst unemployment than we experienced here).

Wilson signed the Federal Aid Road Act in 1916 to provide fundng for modernization to the many cities whose best roads were dirt or planked roads. It did not provide money for the first transcontinental highway – the Lincoln Highway (aka US 30), which was still being built with private funds at that time. The Federal Highway Act of 1921 and 1924 provided money for a US route system.

The Lincoln Highway was the vision of one person, this guy Carl Fisher. He wasn’t much of a visionary; he was the owner of Prest-O-Lite (it provided light to cars via a compressed gas cylinder that was filled locally) and built the Indianapolis Speedway. He aligned funding and recruited people like Henry Joy and Thomas Edison to promote the idea.

The guy who gave us the federal highway system, President Eisenhower, participated in a promotion in the army transcontinental motor convoy in 1919 to promote the Lincoln Highway and a national highway system.


Veteran Expediter
Sure wish some genius would develop a better road surface, now - I75 in Detroit is so bad, I can't believe people do the speed limit there! Oh - maybe that's why they leave it so rough, lol - sure slows drivers down!
Are there other roads like that, which I haven't discovered yet?


Veteran Expediter
> Sure wish some genius would develop a better road surface,
>now - I75 in Detroit is so bad, I can't believe people do
>the speed limit there! Oh - maybe that's why they leave it
>so rough, lol - sure slows drivers down!
> Are there other roads like that, which I haven't
>discovered yet?


there are new roads that are so poorly built here that within months the road surface is going bad. They just finished refinishing the downtown area where I live, it was done only three years ago and was total c**p.

I noticed that 96 and telegraph is being repaired again, they just finished rebuilding the entire road and made "mistakes".

I was coming into the detroit area last night through M14 and remember when parts of that was new, only 5 years ago.

there is a section of some roads that are so wavery that I have to put my hand on what ever i have in my cup holder to make sure it doesn't fly out of it.

Don't you know about Detroit phyisics? the faster you drive the less you feel the bumps and the less your broken mirror will bounce off your door or rip the plastic you have in place of your drivers window.


Expert Expediter
We have it bad in Tampa, as well. Some of you might remember a few years ago when George Bush was here for a press conference, that someone asked him if he enjoyed his stay in Tampa. His response was, "I just have one thing to say: TAMPA, FIX YOUR POT HOLES!"


Drive Safe!


Veteran Expediter
Maybe the thinking in The Motor City these days is that rough roads equals more business - like new suspensions & tires, if not new vehicles altogether, lol. ;)


Expert Expediter
Ohh, I know I-75. From the Ambassador south to Monroe might as well be a motocross track. Maybe they think ice forms faster on smooth roads, so it's a safety issue.


Veteran Expediter
I just read a great book, "Made in America", that says the first roads were permitted to have tree stumps left in, up to 15", because the technology to remove them didn't exist, but 75 feels like we haven't made all that much progress since, lol.