Judge suing dry cleaner cries over pants


Veteran Expediter
OK this is a frivolous lawsuit and I thought that we had laws on the books to punish people who brought these stupid lawsuits up?

My opinion is that this judge should be disbarred and his lawyer brought up on misconduct charges. The judge presiding over the case should have stopped it when it was filed.

Remember this when you have a legitimate use for the courts and have to wiat forever to get your case heard.

Here is the article;


Black Sheep

Expert Expediter
This guy obviously isn't playing with full deck - I can't believe any court would actually hear the case. Hopefully the owners will be able to recover some of their legal fees, although it sounds like he's probably broke.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
One of the biggest problems is that lawyers are involved. That judge should be disbarred and forbidden to practice law or be involved in the legal system in any way as well as being fined a huge amount of money for abusing the legal system.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA Life Member 677319
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