Canada JOJO's Steak Closed


Veteran Expediter
For those who used to come to the Dixie-401 area in mississauga. Jojo's steak restaurant is closed. Few expediters still park there overnite but for the last 4 months the numbers were down. Otherwise fuel up here is high at 78.6 cents/litre or $2.97/ US gal.


Veteran Expediter
Sorry to hear about another small biz kicking the bucket :(

That 2.97/gal is in CAD, so more like 2.35USD, and it also includes GST, which we get back, don't know about the Americans.


Retired Expediter
That would be it..Turtle...

Gotta ask WHY would you stay at that one? about 2-3 blocks South of the 401 and before Eglinton is a Staples with a Tim Hortons on the corner where trucks park on left side...and across the street west side is an empty warehouse that no one except me used to park in...a lot quieter:confused:


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Well, I don't know Toronto and the surrounding area all that well. I was up there last week and essentially stumbled upon that Husky while looking for the Subway across the street. I had free Internet access while there, tho. :)

Sometimes when in Canada you need to find a place where you can sit for a day or two, sometimes more, as lately the loads coming out of there aren't coming as quickly. I was at that Husky for 2 days last week (delivered early Monday morning and got loaded out very late Wednesday afternoon, so it was nearly 3 days), the only van from my carrier on any Canada board for a day and a half until someone else showed up in Windsor and another one showed up at the same Husky.

Staples may or may not want me there for a couple of days, and I don't know which empty warehouses and other places I can park at for the same period of time, either. So I stick to what I know, which isn't much. There's a Husky hidden down off Bayly between Bayly St and the Pickering Generating Station that comes in handy now and again. And the Fifth Wheel in Milton (free net access).


Retired Expediter
There is a newer Husky not too far away on Kennedy Rd and Courtneypark ....with parking away from the rumbly trucks, shares a lot with a Super8...

BTW...the Staples has a lot of trucks that use the lot that is shared with the Timmys...
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Veteran Expediter
It used to be ok to park overnite at the staples as the ibc drivers have 1 or 2 who sleep there every nite during the week. I've found several times the husky at courtneypark and kennedy (or 410 if you wish) is not as low in fuel prices as the one at dixie and 401 (shawson). The dixie one has to compete with the sunoco and the shell/j at brittania and dixie. For vans the jojos lot is good (and for straights) as noise isn't too bad unless the sunoco has some rigs in fuelling. The west side of the husky has a lot for 4 wheelers that's also ok to crash in as trucks are now restricted to the east side lot.

One thing about that area is the number of eateries (fast and otherwise) and the number of fuel stations available.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
Master Steak is the 1 in front of the Husky. The 1 I think Fis is talking about is a couple of doors north and used to be called Billies. I was a regular there when I was with Thompson. I think they've run on a tight budget for a long time. Other than a short busy spell at lunch time, the place wasn't all that busy. Good place to hang with other expediters, though.