Well, I don't know Toronto and the surrounding area all that well. I was up there last week and essentially stumbled upon that Husky while looking for the Subway across the street. I had free Internet access while there, tho.
Sometimes when in Canada you need to find a place where you can sit for a day or two, sometimes more, as lately the loads coming out of there aren't coming as quickly. I was at that Husky for 2 days last week (delivered early Monday morning and got loaded out very late Wednesday afternoon, so it was nearly 3 days), the only van from my carrier on
any Canada board for a day and a half until someone else showed up in Windsor and another one showed up at the same Husky.
Staples may or may not want me there for a couple of days, and I don't know which empty warehouses and other places I can park at for the same period of time, either. So I stick to what I know, which isn't much. There's a Husky hidden down off Bayly between Bayly St and the Pickering Generating Station that comes in handy now and again. And the Fifth Wheel in Milton (free net access).