It's Wierd


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Look at this picture the right way, or long enough, and the face will turn from face-on to profile. It's weird. focus on that little wisp of hair hanging down the forehead and you can see the profile.




Veteran Expediter
Thanks Turtle. I love this stuff, especially the Magic Eye books. When my son was young he could not see the secondary picture in the Magic Eye prints. We would try to help and and explain what we saw, but that only frustrated him. During his early teens he picked up a Magic Eye and there it was, popping out at him. He was blown away!

highway star

Veteran Expediter
When I first saw a magic eye, I was sure my friends just wanted to laugh at me for staring at that mess for so long. It took a while, but I got it. Kind of a quickly passing fad.