I used various sized plastic waste baskets or stands for my personal/business stuff, then bungee-corded them to the walls. One had extra oil, windshield washer fluid, anti-freeze, etc. Another had straps, tow belts to pull out the second pallet, gloves, extra serpentine belt, spare bulbs, etc. A small wire cart was a "pantry" with dry cereal, throw-away bowls, spoons, papertowels, and paperback novels. Another plastic file type box was used up front within reach of the drivers seat to hold blank freight bills, company manuals, Dot/Hazmat books, atlas/maps, flashlight, QC code lists.....the things I needed for each load or loads in general.
Oh yes, I also had my golf clubs/bag for those long week-end layovers.
None of the containers extended out more than the wheel-wells, so none of them ever interfered with a 48" skid being loaded. I used a 12 lunch box heater frequently (heats a small frozen dinner while you are driving down the road, gets done in time for your first rest area pit stop), but stopped carrying a cooler. The van can go anywhere, so it was just easier to pull into a C-store and buy a cold one than to fuss with icecubes all the time. In the winter, the canned drinks stayed cold all the time anyway. My extra clothes were on hangers bungee corded to the side wall, usually I only had an airline carry-on sized bag for a few changes of clothes, plus a gym bag with toiletries and room for a change of clothes to take to the shower.
Dirty clothes went in an extra pillow case, then the clothes and pillow case all got washed at once. (Yes ladies, I remembered to dump the clothes out of the pillow case before I washed everything).
Laudry soap, bleach, etc. was kept in another small waste basket.
I didn't use laptops, GPS, printers, but carried a small tv for a while. Found that reception was usually crappy, so left it home after a while, turned to reading books instead. That's all I can think of for now.