Veteran Expediter
Get up straighten the sleeper up, decide on the way to the restroom what flavor of coffee one wants (black no sugar either). Maybee breakfast, newspapaer, paperwork get cought up if there was a run yesterday.
Grab that mid afternoon nap hopefully 2 hours if not just lie and rest, get up and hope for the best maybee kick the tires and check the dip stick you know for luck, Double check paperwork and if the run comes in than away one goes. If not whats for dinner, a walk around the truck stop, maybee go inside or just read a book, TV, or Radio?
Sound about right? Also maybee get on EO....
Grab that mid afternoon nap hopefully 2 hours if not just lie and rest, get up and hope for the best maybee kick the tires and check the dip stick you know for luck, Double check paperwork and if the run comes in than away one goes. If not whats for dinner, a walk around the truck stop, maybee go inside or just read a book, TV, or Radio?
Sound about right? Also maybee get on EO....