You will sit in a cargo van. Vanners will typically average about 3 loads a week over the course of a year. You may have 5 or 6 in a week, or you make have 1 or none, but overall it's about 150 loads a year, give or take about 25 loads. Because most of those loads can be done in a day, you will be sitting more than not.
Two weeks ago I only had 2 loads, but both were particularly long loads and took nearly 5 days to complete, so I didn't sit much that week.
Last week I sat 5 days. In the same place. I delivered very late Saturday night to North Charleston, SC, didn't get a load Sunday (no surprise there) or Monday (not really a surprise either since Mondays are often dead in expediting), but I didn't get one Tues, Wed or Thurs, either. Got calls on a few loads we ended up not getting the bids on. One was 150 DH to Georgia going down to well south of Sarasota, FL that paid 88 cents a mile all miles, and u noted the problem of the additional 300-400 mile DH to get back out which would have made that load pay less than 50 cents a mile when all was said and done. They bid the load a couple hundred dollars extra age we didn't get it. I was not upset by that.
But finally on Friday I got a load from North Charleston to Madawaska, Maine, the northernmost town in Maine. 1500 miles is a good week, especially since it didn't pay 79 cents a mile, it paid more than enough to cover the 400 DH back to southern Maine, making the total at 93 cents a mile including the backend DH.
Patience is a virtue. Especially in cargo van expediting.