I've been looking at a lot of Ford Transit vans and some are going for almost fifty thousand dollars. Is it really worth all the extra money for a small handful of long and tall loads per year? The vans are very nice though. If I survive this Corona thing I'm coming back into the game next January. I have money saved, credit, and am ready to get back to doing what I love to do. No more pain meds. I have adapted to a new normal pain level and had to learn to live my life with pain and that it will always be with me. Driving is no longer aggravating my pain levels, not like cleaning buildings does. I have a tester for blood thinners and can test weekly and I get results in 1 minute. I have lowered my diabetes back down to a normal to pre-diabetic level by eating only 1 meal every 24 hours. I only get hungry once a day at 9 PM. So, I got these medical issues under control. My blood pressure only goes high when standing up, so driving all the time, I would barely need any meds for that. If we are all in danger 24/7 of death any ways, I want to spend my time doing what I like to do. What is it like out there for long and tall vehicles VS regular extended cargo vans? I can buy an extended cargo van for cash right now and still have plenty of money to spare. How are things out there right now? Thanks for all of your responses.