invisibility cloak


Expert Expediter
BAE Systems has tested an ‘invisibility cloak’ that allows a vehicle to blend into its surroundings. The system, which can work over infra-red and other frequencies, is known as "Adaptiv."

Check out this video showing how Adaptiv works: Adaptiv video - BAE Systems

and it took them how long to get bin Laden??
the war on drugs has been going on for how long ??

but we have the technology to make a invisibility cloak . but we don't have the technology to find bin Laden are win the war on drugs .

so keep drinking the koolaid .


Veteran Expediter
BAE Systems has tested an ‘invisibility cloak’ that allows a vehicle to blend into its surroundings. The system, which can work over infra-red and other frequencies, is known as "Adaptiv."

Check out this video showing how Adaptiv works: Adaptiv video - BAE Systems

and it took them how long to get bin Laden??
the war on drugs has been going on for how long ??

but we have the technology to make a invisibility cloak . but we don't have the technology to find bin Laden are win the war on drugs .

so keep drinking the koolaid .

Wy do you always try to connect things that have nothing to do with each other? I don't think it is kool aid your drinking. By the way in case you hadn't heard Bin Laden is dead.


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Wy do you always try to connect things that have nothing to do with each other?
Because, duh, they're related. Captain Kirk stole a cloaking device from the Romulans. We kill bin Laden and capture his computers, and now, suddenly, we have an invisibility cloak. That not a coincidence, it is future history repeating itself. A wacka wacka.

Or, another way to go...

Hey, we have the technology to start a raging wildfire with a Bic lighter, but we don't have the technology to make a better tasting Kool-Aid?

Tip your waitresses. I'll be here all week. :D


Expert Expediter
Wy do you always try to connect things that have nothing to do with each other?

Guess he answers your question with his signature:

Before you judge my life or my character .. Walk in my shoes, walk the path I have traveled, live my sorrow, my doubts, my fear, my pain, my laughter . Remember Judge not lest ye be judged, Everyone has their own story And then you can judge me!

Maybe he should pen a biography that might answer where it is he is coming from. ;)


Expert Expediter
"and it took them how long to get bin Laden??"" oh doesnt this say he is dead ???

now read this a few times and THINK

""but we have the technology to make a invisibility cloak . but we don't have the technology to find bin Laden are win the war on drugs .""

did i hurt your feelings by saying you drink koolaid and that makes you not able to think .


Veteran Expediter
BAE Systems has tested an ‘invisibility cloak’ that allows a vehicle to blend into its surroundings. The system, which can work over infra-red and other frequencies, is known as "Adaptiv."

Check out this video showing how Adaptiv works: Adaptiv video - BAE Systems

and it took them how long to get bin Laden??
the war on drugs has been going on for how long ??

but we have the technology to make a invisibility cloak . but we don't have the technology to find bin Laden are win the war on drugs .

so keep drinking the koolaid .

Why would we want invisible vehicles, when idiots can't keep from hitting the ones they CAN see?! :confused:


Veteran Expediter
Why would we want invisible vehicles, when idiots can't keep from hitting the ones they CAN see?! :confused:

Luckily for right now the vehicles are invisible to IR not to vision although they are working on that. I heard the whole Navy Seals killed Osama story was made up, they actually just drained the Kool Aid guy and made him almost invisible since he was just an empty glass pitcher. Osama had just poured himself an ice cold glass of grape when the Kool Aid guy came in and added way to much powder. While Osama was choking the Kool Aid guy broke off his handle and stabbed Osama to death.

Posted with my Droid EO Forum App


Veteran Expediter
ok, if the vehicle is invisible...are the people inside it too? Or can they be seen just driving down the road in a seated position??:eek: