Indiana Time


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Does anybody know what time it is in Indiana?

Well Monday the Indiana lawmakers are once again going to vote on weather or not they are going to get in step with the rest of the nation.(Except Hawaii and Alaska). The vote is to adopt Daylight Savings Time.

The Gov is pushing it,but the vote will be close. Reasons for resisting are puzzeling."The farm animals will be worked too hard".
"Us Hooziers like being different", and on and on.

Friday I had a little load from Kendalville In. to Hastings Mi. The consignee was about to lynch me for the load being 4 hours over due.
I had to explain the shipper held us at the dock for 3 hours plus there is a time difference because of Ind time.

Lets hope the Hooziers put an end to this mess this time.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I'm sick of the whole stupid thing. This fall we need to set the clocks back 30 minutes and the entire nation needs to be mandated to follow that as a federal time. It's called compromise and simplification.

truck 4958

Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.

Wild Bill

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
We Hoosiers indeed know what time it is. It is the rest of the country that is screwed up.

We don't play with our clocks, creating confusion for a week in the spring and in the fall. A week of missed apointments, being late for work and oversleeping. We know if you want an extra hour of daylight, stay up an hour!

Our new gov Mitch and a handfull of media types try to force DST down our throats every year. They are the only ones that want it. The majority of us like it the way it is. But every year they spend all spring making us feel like idiots because we don't want to fall into lockstep with the rest of the people playing with the sunlight that God set the way he wants it.

Every morning my dog Hershey wakes me up when the sun rises so she can go outside and do the things that dogs do. She doesn't need a clock to tell her the sun has come up. She knows by the light in the room. Funny how a dog can figure it out and humans can't.

They keep telling us "Well, the rest of the country does it." That reasoning didn't work with my mother when I wanted to go out as a teenager until 1am. "All the other kids are" I would exclaim. She would reply "If the other kids jumped off the roof would you want to?". So now I am supposed to jump off the roof because Maine and California do?

Everyone says it is so hard to tell the time in Indiana. Can't people remember that in the summer we are inline with Chicago and in the winter we are with New York? If people can't remember that I think it is the other states that need hand puppets and coloring books, not us Hoosiers.

I believe we are doing what God intended. It is the rest of the country that needs to follow our lead and quit playing with time. (Unless you have a Delorean.)


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
And in Canada RE: Indiana Time

I'm not sure what they do now; but the province of Saskatchewan used to opt out of DST. years ago, the Ontario county of Kent (Chatham area) opted out.
Just a little trivia here.

Wild Bill

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
RE: And in Canada RE: Indiana Time

>I'm not sure what they do now; but the province of
>Saskatchewan used to opt out of DST. years ago, the Ontario
>county of Kent (Chatham area) opted out.
>Just a little trivia here.
I think it is the provience of Nova Scota really has things out of wack. They are only one half hour ahead. If it is 4:00 pm in Toronto it is 5:30 in NS. And they say we Hoosiers are messed


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: And in Canada RE: Indiana Time

>I think it is the provience of Nova Scota really has things
>out of wack. They are only one half hour ahead. If
>it is 4:00 pm in Toronto it is 5:30 in NS. And they say we
>Hoosiers are messed

Hi Bill: I think you have to go a litle further Newfoundland. Halifax is on Atlantic Time but ST John's (and the rest of the Island) is on Newfoundland Time which is a half time zone to the east.
There was a long running comedic play in Toronto called Half an Hour Early (or something like that) about the cultural shock that the "Newfies" faced when coming to the "mainland".

Wild Bill

Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Retired Expediter
RE: And in Canada RE: Indiana Time

>>I think it is the provience of Nova Scota really has things
>>out of wack. They are only one half hour ahead. If
>>it is 4:00 pm in Toronto it is 5:30 in NS. And they say we
>>Hoosiers are messed
>Hi Bill: I think you have to go a litle further
>Newfoundland. Halifax is on Atlantic Time but ST John's (and
>the rest of the Island) is on Newfoundland Time which is a
>half time zone to the east.
>There was a long running comedic play in Toronto called Half
>an Hour Early (or something like that) about the cultural
>shock that the "Newfies" faced when coming to the

I knew it was out east. I just couldn't remember how far east! I bet that play is a hoot!

highway star

Veteran Expediter
RE: And in Canada RE: Indiana Time

Wild Bill: All the best on gettin' hitched! What would really help is if the whole state could decide what they want to do. Having a handfull of counties here and there doing what they want is what really creates the confusion. If the state as a whole decided to just stay on standard time, that would be easy enough to figure out.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
We Hoosiers indeed know what time it is. It is the rest of
>the country that is screwed up.
Just remember that the next time the dispatcher has you at the shipper an hour late or an hour early.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
RE: And in Canada RE: Indiana Time

Indiana Lawmakers Adopt Daylight Savings Time
Time Zones Will Still Split The State

POSTED: 10:22 am EDT April 29, 2005
UPDATED: 10:28 am EDT April 29, 2005

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. -- Indiana lawmakers narrowly approved a bill mandating a statewide change to daylight savings time next year.

Governor Mitch Daniels ran on the issue and is expected to sign it.

The legislation requires Daniels and the General Assembly to petition the U.S. Department of Transportation to hold hearings to determine if more Indiana counties should be moved to the Central zone.

The request will be made within days of Daniels' signing the bill, and he has said the hearing process could begin within months.

The switch to daylight time would take place in April 2006.