Illinois Simplifies State Truck Laws


Retired Expediter
Illinois Gov. Pat Quinn this week signed laws that simplify trucking rules in the state.

The laws clarify existing Illinois truck laws, improve trucking operations and allow for uniform speed limits on secondary highways.

Senate Bill 1644 standardizes gross weight regulations for trucks. Some confusion arose after previous legislation allowed standard 80,000-pound trucks onto local Illinois roads. The bill also grants a 400-pound weight exemption for trucks fitted with auxiliary power units.House Bill 2836 clarifies truck length limits depending on specific types of equipment being pulled. Senate Bill 1913 will give the state a unified speed limit of 65 mph on four-lane highways outside of the Chicago area.The Mid-West Truckers Association commended Quinn for signing the legislation, saying the laws will make compliance easier. The new laws represent nearly a year of work between the industry, Illinois State Police and the Illinois Department of Transportation.

Illinois Simplifies State Truck Laws -


Veteran Expediter
The 400 lb exemption for APUs has been in effect for years - I thought it was a federal rule [that many state LEOs are unaware of.]
Glad to see the split speed limit [mostly] eliminated, don't understand how they justify keeping it in place anywhere.
But then, it IS Illinois, the state that thinks it's a good idea to post signage reminding drivers of the legal allowable limit for blood alcohol.....As few drivers have any way of knowing precisely what their current blood alcohol level is [unless of course, it's been measured by a LEO or medical professional, in which case it's too late already], the signs serve only to reinforce the message that SOME level of alcohol in the blood is acceptable while driving - a very BAD idea.


Veteran Expediter
The 400 lb exemption was a cluster.... because the feds allowed the state to either adopt it or not, leaving the entire idea of an idle free state up in the air.