If you have ever used a tablesaw, you have tosee this


Veteran Expediter
Saw this about 5 years ago cool technology still very expensive didn't catch on in general use although my friend could have used it lost 3 finger tips last year!


Expert Expediter
Totally Cool......

Couldn't figure out how it worked until I read this:

If your finger accidentally touches a blade under power, two things happen. First, an aluminum brake instantly jams against the blade, bringing it to a stop. Second, the blade drops below the table. The blade and brake fuse together, so both must be replaced, but that’s a small price to pay for averting a major injury.

How does the blade sense your finger? It’s all about electricity. The same principle is used in a lamp that turns on or off when you touch its base. The blade holds a very slight charge; when you touch it, some of the charge enters your fingers. The saw’s circuitry senses a change in the blade’s charge and releases a powerful spring inside the brake. The blade’s momentum throws it below the table.

Then I got to thinking.....have you ever sneezed around one of those "Touch" Lamps?? I had one for a while....they don't last long at all. If you sneezed without covering your nose anywhere around it, the mist from your sneeze would turn it off or on too. (No Gross Comments - OK!! :) )

So let's say a wood worker comes to work with a cold and sneezes right in the middle of running something through the saw, BAM...he just cost the company $$$.

NOT A BAD Invention though!! Totally Cool in how it works!