Sorry to disappoint you, but yes it is a very complex issue.
The first thing we need to do to get it under control is stop all the chest thumping and name calling.
No I disagree. I have faith in the American people. I believe in their ability to overcome. Just turn us loose. I KNOW for a FACT about several jobs that WOULD have been created, 4 full time, year around jobs and 20-30 summer jobs that are NEVER going t be there. WHY? The government.
My friend WAS going to buy a couple of hundred acres with a mile of river frontage, near that casino out there near that Pilot in near I69 in MI. I was going to manage the place. Campsites, propane, skeet and trap ranges etc. Government regulations put the end to it. Options to purchase, let go. Plans that were already paid for, trashed. We had river walks designed. The ranges were designed and bids out for the equipment. ALL DONE. 100% due to the regulations of the EPA. We even had Ducks Unlimited in the picture, helping to make sure we did not mess up anything and could even enhance so things. That is way I am STILL in my truck. THANK YOU EPA.
ALL those power plants closing in MI, EPA. all those jobs and a the lose of generation capacity that is NOT being replaced. Electricity rates will rise as will. ALL THANKS TO THE EPA.
This list is endless. The government is the cause, not the solution and there is NOTHING the government will do to fix it. THEY are the problem.