If This Be Treason …


Staff member
Retired Expediter
Releasing stuff that doesn't expose lies and corruption, but instead is either embarrassing or damaging, like the installations the US views as important to our security, makes him an enemy combatant. He's releasing this stuff not because it serves a higher purpose of exposing corruption, but simply because he can. That's a nasty, nasty business.

Does that make him an enemy? In my mind, yes, it does.

If he would stick to what his stated goals are, then no, he wouldn't be. But at this point he might as well be on the payroll of Al Qaeda.

Which is also why I'd like him to be a little more transparent with where his money comes from.


Veteran Expediter
Rlent, it is in reference to Amonger's comments.

Turtle, Paypal is holding $60k of donations, and I bet my truck that they already sent that list of people off to the US government.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
As we speak I have two relatives serving at a secure U.S. site in another country. Their 6 year old son is with them. Their LIVES are now in GREATER danger than is needed. I would have NO problem helping to protect THEIR lives!! This is personal. This has put a CHILD at risk.

I remember what it was like what we had "threats" made against our base when WE were overseas, at one of the sites "outed" by this bum. Having to keep our kids in doors, keeping a loaded shotgun by the bed, increased police patrols etc etc etc. NOT GOOD!


Veteran Expediter
Wondering how many children's lives our own government has risked, if not obliterated.
That's right: it's classified.
Turtle makes some excellent points, but mainly, I'm with RLENT: Wikileaks can be a force for good.
Just think they should have started with the BoA, rather than the government.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Wondering how many children's lives our own government has risked, if not obliterated.
That's right: it's classified.
Turtle makes some excellent points, but mainly, I'm with RLENT: Wikileaks can be a force for good.
Just think they should have started with the BoA, rather than the government.

No matter WHO gets killed or maimed? Why don't YOU go over seas and face it? I wonder how you would feel then?

I wonder, do YOU think that there is ANYTHING that should be classified? Do you believe that you and everyone should know EVERYTHING no matter what happens?

What is the BoA? Lost me there.


Veteran Expediter
Hey Cheri,

You are asking the wrong questions.

You need to ask how many have died from the need to help them?

I would think that starting with the worst offender of all, the United Nations and then going after BoA, and others like them may have garnered my support and even donations.

BUT we must not forget that even though you may want to blame the US for their 'war' against humanity, maybe trying to see that the Europeans have had been doing some bad things too, may be a bit worst?


Veteran Expediter
Bank of America who has decided to side step the laws of the US by allowing invaders to get bank accounts while at the same time playing the foreclosure game to gain profits through the government programs that Obama passed to save the economy and people.

Kind of ironic that the one guy, the community organizer is really just the same as what he said he was there to change.


Veteran Expediter

I'm thinking of nominating you for EO Drama Queen of the Month .... given your late arrival on the scene this month, it will be a tough one .... but with another 25 days still to go, I'm betting you can pull it out .....


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter

I'm thinking of nominating you for EO Drama Queen of the Month .... given your late arrival on the scene this month, it will be a tough one .... but with another 25 days still to go, I'm betting you can pull it out .....

Drama? Why? Because I put things in perspective? There are REAL deaths due to things like our press, Wikiwackos and their supporters. LIVES are at greater risk when SECURE sites are outed. The lives of REAL Americans, their spouses and children are put at risk as well.

How is THAT drama? That is REAL life, not a school yard debate.
There were several "agents" KILLED while I was in that service. Several in so called "friendly countries". Killed by Soviets or their clients. This business is a deadly one. I am not the last of my family in the intell business. I know it's hard to believe that this stuff really happens, I mean after all, only the U.S. does that stuff, right?

Are you telling me that those Purple Heart owners made that stuff up too?