I woke from a dream with a vision


Seasoned Expediter
I would like to talk to a few individuals who are sharp business minded folks. I think I may have an idea that could take the expedite industry by storm and be very profitable long term for us expediters o/o or I/C pm me with your ph number or if you dont want to give it out ask for mine.


Seasoned Expediter
ok, since no one responded,here is a little info of what I had visioned.
what if we formed a for profit corporation with board of directors and trustees the whole 9 yards. everyone would expedite just like we do now for the same company or whom ever you choose. eventually the corp would have its own dispatchers and loads making the same 40-45 % on each load that our carriers are now only difference would be it would be paid back to us owners equally in dividends or bonus's (after admin cost of course)

The business would be 100% owned equally by all individuals who got involved. lets say to be a part of the corp we would buy in for as little as 5-10 bucks a week or % with say a life time cap of 2-5k making it affordable for even drivers of fleet owners.(until you guessed it they could drive for the corp as owner operators) with this money the corp would purchase more units to put drivers in, if the corp just kept investing the income into the biz, buying its own units. or teaching those without cdls to drive bigger units hmmmm are you seeing it?

I for one will be upgrading my vehicle soon and would be willing to donate my old one to the corp to put a driver in. possibly the new one too if we all did this we would be a asset rich company on paper from the start.

this wouldn't just happen overnight but down the road in 5 years how big could it be? or how many millions would it sell for?

how much influence could we put on the industry?

There would have to be a-lot of organization done and thats not my forte but I can help.

I think we would have to elect a president and vp and so forth.

I could go on for along time with ideas and how this could help each and every one of us long term even those of you who are fleet owners already.

but I'm going to stop now and listen to all the critiquing thats going to go on.

lets hear some name ideas for the corp
I thought of expediters united corporation


Senior Moderator
Staff member
Fleet Owner
A shell of what you are talking about already exists, although it is not membership owned, and has no involvement with vehicle ownership.
Check out the Alliance.

23 years
EO moderator


Seasoned Expediter
I thought of the same thing several years ago and even went as far as talking to tax people and attorneys the problem is just like a truck shutdown you cannot get enough people to AGREE on anything it would take some compromise and for some reason compromise doesn't seem to be in very many truckers vocabulary


Seasoned Expediter
The word "compromise" doesn't exist in the U.S. vocabulary anymore....it's been relplaced by I, I, I, I, I, me, me, me, me


Not a Member
Great thought - but like the previous post said it takes some give and take.
You tell me - have you seen that in this business?

Fort Wayne


Veteran Expediter
Safety & Compliance
US Coast Guard
my wonderment is where are you gonna get any customers? Without customers, no driver will sign on. Without drivers, the customers will be rather scarce.