I can’t find it, no where


Veteran Expediter
I am reading the comments from Lee Bollinger about his reasoning to allow Ahmadinejad to speak at Columbia University in NYC. His comments made while justifying his deplorable actions were “we must allow both sides of an issue to allow open debate, we can not restrict the academic freedoms†It truly has me puzzled, I can not find anywhere what these academic freedoms are located in the constitution.

I also can not find where there is a section or amendment where it says we must allow someone to speak in a closed and controlled forum before they arrive on the shores of our country.

Because there is a concerted effort by the university to restrict access for other speakers and to organizations (ROTC) to the point that there is no arena of open debate or true academic freedoms (what ever that is) but to give a known terrorist more access than most people get with national coverage so he can broadcast his propaganda at the same time as our troops are being killed by his followers, there should be a serious effort by the people of this country to cut every dime of public aid and demand that NYC and the state of NY to pull their recognition of the charter of the school.

If we stand by and do nothing, the terrorist win. There should be no freedom to people who are terrorists, and never should be. They now have another avenue to speak their hatred of people who don’t agree with their point of view or our country. Until we take a stand against terrorism at all levels, we can not stand as a country and morn events like 9/11 or sacrifice of our troops – all is cheapen and p*ssed on by Lee Bollinger and Columbia university.


Veteran Expediter
Greg, I agree with you wholeheartedly for once. All I can say is that I am trying to find some shred of good in this thing. I do happen to think that this dabacle at least showed the world that we truly do allow free speech in this country. (most of the time anyhow). The other thing is that whenever he opened his mouth he demonstrated what an idiot he really is. There is at least something positive about that.