I am feeling extremely overwelmed. I am probably making a huge issue out of something that is simple. But I simply don't understand what to do. I have been working the road for ten years on my own and never payed much attension to leagalities of the road. I own a duelly pick up and a 40' cargo trailer that I have been running antiques all over the country. I have been getting hassled from DOT and feel my luck is running out and need to get legal. It's all greak and overwellming to me. What I am thinking of doing is running antiques all over part time and running small cargo trailers from a local manufacturer with my 50' car trailer. I want to do this right but I'm not sure where to go and what to do. I check FMCSA site but don't understand it. I really need guideness and would be so ever gratful for someone to lead me in the right direction.