Veteran Expediter
As everyone knows I've been off work since end of August for eye problems.The day that I put Jerry in the truck to run solo,i went over and met him at the truck to give him the keys.Well here's he bad luck.When arriving at the truck,which i keep at the garage i have the truck worked on,someone had backed into it.Now itdidnt look as the damage was really bad,other than the bumper was bent,so with that,yesturday i took the truck for estimates to have the work done,and the insurance compny wanted 2 estimates,no problem there.Well here ya go.the estimate which I thought would be maybe 2500 bucks wasnt even close,better than $5600,you could have knocked me over with a feather.Also about 4 days down time.Boy does this suck,and of course $1000 deductable.If I new all this,Id have got the estimates and had the truck repaired while I have been off. They say you snooze you loose,guss I snoozed.Oh and where I park,its park at your own risk