Howes Fuel Additive


Veteran Expediter
I have begun using the Howe's Meaner Fuel Injector Cleaner, for some reason I am seeing just over a 5% increase in fuel mpg. Averaging 9-9.5 before and also one tank I did not put it in, to 10-10.2 mpg while using it.

Just thought I was pass it along, one bottle treats 250 gallons, $11.00 at the J $12.00 at Loves & Pilot.

I have a question if my math adds correct, .5 more to a gallon average between fill ups 1,800 miles prior to using this more like 1,600 miles, thus how does one quart get me 36 more gallons per tank? The mpg miles I do not believe are lying, but seems amazing to me, if someone told me this I would not argue, but would think they might be full of it.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
I have used Howes Meaner Cleaner for years and am getting the same results as you. Stuff more then pays for it's self.


Veteran Expediter
Yeah, I cannot afford not to use it. Was at a Cummins Dealer in OK City O.K. guy was saying behind the counter, USE IT or some kinda treatment to prolong the dreaded Injector repair. Also said just might get better fuel mileage as well. So I did and these are the stunning but happy results.


Expert Expediter
Will that stuff work on gas engines also? I need to squeeze a few more mpg's out of my wife's Chrysler Pacifica!!!


Expert Expediter
I've ran Power Service in every diesel I've had since age 16. ('88 f-350 6.9 liter). I might have to switch after hearing positive mpg gains. I've seen more power with PS, but not much mileage.


Veteran Expediter
I love howes. I run a 2000 freightshaker with a 430 detroit. and I started using it because I had some smoke coming out of my blow by. It cut down on the smoke and give me better mpg. I use it everytime.


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
Same here, we have had excellent results with the meaner power cleaner.

21 years
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Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I use the Power Source additive. It's significantly more reasonably priced and also gives about a 10% boost.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 4958, 5447
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
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Veteran Expediter
I have not found it to be the case with Power Service Additives, and what ever you do, do not boost it. It clogged my filters last summer, although it was an easy enough fix, empty and refill with clean diesel fuel did not have to replace, but was encouraged to go fill up without adding any more to the tanks. You could acutally smell it in the filters. Thought I was doing good when I was hurting things, truck ran fine but idle was very rough.

Cost about $100 to locate problem, I believe following the lower Cetane #s is good but boosting it to far as the instructions state cost me this fix. Just passing along what happened to me.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I only use it at the suggested strength. One bottle does both tanks. I'm seeing 7-10% boost in mpg using it but others might see something different. I bought a couple of cases at an oil distribution center I was running a job for. Their price was only $7.90 for the large jug that goes for about $11 at the truckstops. I wish I'd bought a couple more cases. Maybe next time. I don't suggest using any more than the recommended amount though.

Leo Bricker, 73's K5LDB, OOIDA 677319
Owner, Panther trucks 4958, 5447
Highway Watch Participant, Truckerbuddy
EO Forum Moderator
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.

The Gibster

Expert Expediter
We're with Leo. We run Power Server Cetane Boost in our Cummins and notice 2-3 MPG difference in some rare occassions. It's the Power Service in the silver bottle, not the white. And use the one large bottle at about every fill-up.

I know I didn't believe the MPG increase either but Donna was acurate in her figures. It happened on a long run to El Paso, on the second full tankful leg running out across Texas. So there's a lot of different factors.

But regardless of the exact amount of gain we do find it increases mileage and gives us better throttle response.

I just wonder about the lubrication properties as compared to Howes. Howes is a darn good product!

The Gibster