While FedEx Kinko's stores work, and are especially convenient after normal business hours, we prefer to have our mail FedEx'ed to FedEx Global Express Centers or World Express Centers (mark the air bill "Hold For Pickup"). Truck parking is almost always available there, as FedEx trucks load out of such places. Some of those Kinko's lots can be pretty small.
We love using the FedEx system instead of truck stops for mail pickup. If something happens before you get in to pick up your package, like a load offer that is too good to turn down,
the package remains in the FedEx system. You know where it is. You know it is secure. And you can have it forwarded or returned per your instructions.
Setting up an account with FedEx makes billing and payment easy. Whoever is shipping something to you only has to write your account number on the air bill. The rest is automatic. This takes the burden off your shipper. All he or she has to do is box your mail up, complete an air bill and drop it in a FedEX box. If a drop box is not handy, you can call for a pickup and your friendly FedEx man (woman) will come to your house to get it (pcikup charge applies).
Be careful about the weight. If your mail person at home decides to send all your magazines and junk mail, and you happen to be across the country, the package can cost $100 to ship overnight. Happened to us once, but never again after we learned the hard way.