What excactly is a BCO
BCO- Business Capacity Owner ... Landstar likes fancy words. Just means owner operator in the real world.
and Agents...are the agents contractors also?
Yes agents are contractors, to a degree. They have their own freight, (some of them get it like everyone else, from the Internet, some have very sucessful sales teams and sell their own freight,) which is transported via Landstar's operating authority.
Do you need a Sprinter?
You need a high capacity van, only a few regular CV's left.
So what was you running for at Landstar?
You mean rate? Very sledom less than $1.05 a mile, (to the van, including FSC). Most often $1.20 or higher. And if an agent, (most anyway), knew they were sending you into a "no freight" area would sweeten the rate a bit from their cut of the revenue.
Can you get hired with a class c, how much hazmat did you actually haul.
You must have a Hazmat endorsement, Landstar's rules, though you are not required to haul it. Another quirk that I didn't really understand.
Do they reallt sale qualcoms at a flat price instead of leasing?
Not for Express America. the QC is required. And it is to your advantage to have one. The agents need to be able to locate you quickly. The QC was only used for dispatch, it is not a tracking device, UNLESS we were hauling freight for FEDCC ... they bugged the agents constantly wanting to know where the van was.
If you are a "carrier" operator on the other Landstar divisions, the purchase was there if you wanted it. It was not required, except for some shady operators thet could not seem to comply with regulations. It was required then as a condition of your continued lease to them.
How do you get paid?
Any bill submitted by mid day on Monday was paid on Wed, via a Comcard. Landstar issues two cards, one for fuel advancements, for for settlements. While I was there, the rate was $3.00 to load the card, and nothing to use it.
Do you have to run Canada?
You don't have to run ANYWHERE, that is your decision. But Canadian freight pay's well, so why not?