Hino check engine light.


New Recruit
My 2010 Hino 268 has been in the shop over 10 times. My check engine light keeps coming on, but no codes are coming up. The truck doesn’t run hot and nothing changes in the way it runs.
My cruise control turns of as soon as the check light comes on. Also the DPR light is not showing any hash marks going up or down. On one of my many stops the gage stopped working. It is always show the low or high hash mark going up and down?


Staff member
What software is being used to check for codes, and which diagnostic plug is being used? If the check engine light is on, there are codes.
If everything is working correctly, the graph will go up to three bars, a regen will initiate, then the graph will return to zero.
Depending on what codes are set, the cruise and maybe the exhaust brake will cease to function.