Hino 268 losing power


New Recruit
Hi. I have a 2017 Hino 268. While driving down the highway, truck will suddenly lose power, accelerator feels like it’s not doing anything. I let off and apply the accelerator again, they truck starts jerking, I let off again and let it smooth out and apply accelerator again for it to go back to normal. Any idea what’s causing the loss of power and jerking?

No lights on the dash, no codes.


Staff member
The first thing I'd check is the adjustment of the brake pedal switch.
Hinos have two brake switches that must correlate before the engine ECU allows any meaningful acceleration. The one on the back of the pedal near the steering column is the usual offender.
The plunger on the switch needs to be completely pushed in with the pedal released. If it's not, turn the switch a quarter turn counterclockwise and it'll pop free. Push it in until the plunger is fully depressed and turn it clockwise and it'll lock back in place.

A quick test for this condition is to lift the brake pedal with your toes when the truck acts up.
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