hi speed blow out


Seasoned Expediter
A trucker lost his life this morning on I-20 in North Lousiana, witnesses said he blew a tire, crossed the median, t-boned a car and continued into the wooded area off the side of the interstate. Truck and trailer were completely demolised, a terrible site to see.
Is it possible to lose control at the posted speed limit and have this type of accident?


Seasoned Expediter
I am not sure if it is possible, but I know that sick feeling you get in your stomach when you roll past an accident site... we were in WI yesterday and saw a double that had wrecked the cab and first car were totally burnt up, ambulances everywhere, and troopers. Then early this morning I80E into Penn was shut down for over an hour... that was two semis who got tangled up together somehow? I dont care if your a company driver or owner operator... I rely on you, and you rely on me to pass safely, to pay attention, to drive safe speeds. I know we have all seen some crazy driving out there, I cringe when I see a semi tailgating an auto in the fast lane... what are they thinking??? Or cell phone users swaying over into the other lanes??* This is a dangerous job, and accidents do happen, but I think alot can be prevented!


Senior Moderator
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Fleet Owner
You always hate to see that. Accidents can happen at any speed. Those major ones are real reminders of how fast things can happen and what the potential end results can be.


Veteran Expediter
Is it possible to lose control at the posted speed limit and have this type of accident?

I blew an old bias-ply steer tire with an inner tube. This was on a Mack COE with manual steering so the chances of over correcting were slim. I got it off to the shoulder and don't recall any major loss of control.

But with power steering, changing lanes, entering a curve, over correcting or dropping off the shoulder and getting sucked into the median, yea it could happen.

I had a rear tire blow on a new motorcycle. That was scary! Turned out to be a defective tube. I can't imagine losing the front tire.


Seasoned Expediter
The worst thing about this was the driver survived the accident but was pinned in the cab, several witnesses to the accident tried to free him but the diesel fuel ignited and they had to leave him, a terrible way to die.


Veteran Expediter
When a steer blows, don't touch the brake, mash the go pedal down get control and then decelerate as best you can. If you hit the brakes right away you transfer the inertia to the front wheels...where the trouble is.

That said, boy is it hard to do. I did it on a test track and even after hearing all the physics and getting instructed, my first instinct was to brake!


Veteran Expediter
i once blew a steering tire,right side tire,was going 80 mph,down a hill. i heard this loud air leak,thought i broke an air line,no shimmy or shake,i just pulled off road.and went to the trailer to find the air leak,when i saw it was my right front tire,i almost passed out.i also blew a bias ply steering tire on a cab over truck,no power steering.i was lucky,was going up hill,about 40 miles per hour,truck took me off the road,but i got her stopped,any faster,might been in the woods


Veteran Expediter
Here's a pic of my blowout last fall. While riding the truck to a stop, trying to avoid using the brake, the tire beat the truck up!!:eek:


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Veteran Expediter
When a steer blows, don't touch the brake, mash the go pedal down get control and then decelerate as best you can. If you hit the brakes right away you transfer the inertia to the front wheels...where the trouble is.

That said, boy is it hard to do. I did it on a test track and even after hearing all the physics and getting instructed, my first instinct was to brake!

Good advice and one reason many drivers oppose speed limiters . Many drivers of governed trucks are running at the governed speed much of the time . There is no way to accelerate to gain control .