Hey Fundraiser ideas needed


Veteran Expediter
I am involved with a non-profit fundraiser planning, a raffle.

I have posted this question on other forums (not expediting/trucking) to get ideas for prizes. I know that this is not an expediting post, but your input would be appreciated.

Here is the raffle situation; there are three prizes and a grand prize.

The prizes are bought, not donated and the cost can’t exceed $5000 total.

To give you an idea what has been floating around in the committee as prizes, they have focused on trip prizes, but that is because most returned from vacation. It does not have to be a trip, it could be something else.

A trip to a NASCAR event, A trip to Reno air show, Formula one trip, ideas that were thrown out.


Expert Expediter
Cash always works...break it up any way you like:

3 $500 prizes and a $3,500 grand prize

3 $1,000 prizes and a $2,000 grand prize

A $500, $1,000, and $1,500 with a $2,000 grand prize

Actual products or services of $300-500 values with a big cash prize

Good Luck

[email protected]


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
Trips are nice but there's no tangible residual value to them. You have memories but nothing to physically touch/use/enjoy afterward. If there's $5000 to go toward prizes I'd try to have 8 to 10 prizes ranging from maybe $200 to a top prize around $1000-1200 with tickets something like $5 each or 5 for $20.

For prizes I'd try to have variety ranging from maybe the Timex watch that's about $200 and interfaces with your computer to a Dahon folding bicycle that's $350 (lots of models but there are a couple of good ones for $350) to a complete auto detail/pm package of oil change, coolant flush, wash/wax etc. and whatever other varied ideas you can come up with.

I'd go with 8 to 10 prizes because you're more likely to have something somebody wants than if you have 3 prizes plus the biggie. You want to interest the most people possible in buying tickets and with more prizes you're likely to hit their hot button as well as making the odds better they'll get something for their ticket purchase. Well, those are my thoughts. Good luck.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
You mentioned NASCAR and Formula 1. How about a trip to a driving school that gets you in a race car doing hot laps?


Veteran Expediter
>You mentioned NASCAR and Formula 1. How about a trip to a
>driving school that gets you in a race car doing hot laps?

you know the nascar driving experince is one thing I get to check out personally soon.

I looked into f-1 trip package a few years ago and the tickets were to be $150 each/1000 tickets (f-1 people don't seem to mind paying, i sold a used authentic schumacher helmet for $5000 when i was laid off within 5 minutes on ebay)

i want to ask you nascar fans how much appeal would it be for a crew chief for a day prize?

thanks for all your replies by the way.


Veteran Expediter
I have no intrest in driving a Nascar car I liked the Haulers a whole lot more. The two that I purcahsed this year were both at Truck Stops one was a 62 Galaxie very clean but BIG. The other was up in Halafax NS was a brand new Mustang GT now that I would like ALOT but I would trade it in a second for the Convertable.

Cash is nice but material items bring more $ in fund raising.