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Seasoned Expediter
FYI I just took a load west to Los Angeles (I think it was LA but it looked like Mexico) and fuel out here is back up to $3.00 a gallon.Sat for 3 days with only horrible discount frieght offers,short ones on top of that.finally got a load to El Paso (or Mexico they look the same to me).Going to DH to Dallas for a whopping .20 cents a mile....then home to OK...


Expert Expediter
I only run east coast now as I'm semi-retired but used to do a lot of expedite out west and for a solo driver things have not changed much, usually would get a good load to CA or one of the Mexico border cities followed by a 3-4 day wait for something out or a 600+ mile deadhead to DFW where luck was often better. It is something you either make the decision to do and pay the price by waiting or DH'ing, or just avoid going to those areas all together. I'm too impatient to wait so I would usually take the DH route, and it often worked out better that way. Denny