OVM, David
No other country has ever and still comes to the rescue of other countries and people like the US.
You have no idea what goes out of this country to feed, cloth and shelter people around the world. It is utterly amazing that the UN only provides a small part of the world help while we foot the bill for the rest and no one thanks us. I have seen more relief from the US than I have ever seen from other countries, especially the EU countries – they give nothing in comparison.
It is also amazing how the citizens of the US reach out and help, just the Tsunami how many billions of dollars we gave to help people, how our military was moved to assist the relief efforts and how we made it a priority for all to pitch in and do something. I didn’t see this from everyone else until we moved.
Did you know that all the major medical companies in the US provide medical supplies to most of the relief efforts for free? Some of the companies in South Africa, France and Switzerland all charge for their supplies, supplies I might add are either out of date or used. Why is it that we are criticized for our effort to better some people’s lives and allow our companies to benefit from our good deeds?
We stepped in and saved Europe not once but twice and did it without bringing our country to its knees. In WW2, the hardships we went through were already waning by 1944 and one GI who was on leave in late ’44 was amazed that in many places the war was something so distant and removed that is was like the country was not fighting the war at all.
We stepped up to the plate when there a need, before the UN and it’s need to govern ever thing in sight, we supplied relief to many nations, including Belgium, Russia, the Ukraine, Egypt and other countries during and after WW1. We had Hoover over in Europe negotiating with the Germans to help the Belgium who were starving. We sold Russia Wheat and other food when they were starving.
When Europe was devastated because of their stupidity and the French, what was the only, I MEAN THE ONLY country that rebuilt Europe? THE US! We not only supplied money, but equipment, food, building material but also men, lots of people went there to help with the DPs, rebuild the French, Belgium, German and Italian farms. AND the amazing thing is we did it without impacting our standard of living, which is truly amazing.
Sure we have made mistakes, many of them but d*mn what would you have us do, nothing?
In the bigger picture, yes we are the savior of the world.