Happy Thanksgiving to all


Senior Member
Retired Expediter
Thanks, Greg. Happy Thanksgiving to you too, and all others here on EO. Diane and I are spending the holiday at a ski resort in Jackson, Wyoming, where we'll enjoy the feast they provide and go back in service on Friday.

The freight took us here from Los Angeles; you guessed it, a load of frozen turkeys. Very special turkeys, I might add. Free-range, organic-fed birds delivered to an upscale organic food store just in time for their very particular and demanding customers. Tomorrow the load it might be HAZMAT to a dirty, run-down, factory in the rust belt. Ain't expediting a kick!


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Best to you Greg,enjoyed talking to you 2 weeks ago and hope your trip went well.
I made it home from Memphis and am presently hiding from the wife who is finding things for me to do in the kitchen. We have friends and neighbors coming over and should have a pleasant day.
BTW a very pleasant 75 degrees here at home today.


Happy Thanksgiving to All the driver's that are out on the road away from home. And lets us not forget all the service men and women that are over sea's away from there love one's. I hope everyone has a nice and happy Thanksgiving.


Veteran Expediter
Retired Expediter
I too wish a secondarily happy after a primarily safe Thanksgiving to all.

Leo Bricker
OOIDA 677319
truck 4958
73's K5LDB
Support the entire Constitution, not just the parts you like.

highway star

Veteran Expediter
I hope everyone enjoyed their Turkey Day. The Lions sure stunk up the house yesterday. Thanks for the weather report Rich. It's a balmy 8 degrees here in Alpena, Mi. Same as it was yesterday morning. The wood burner is working overtime!