It's a Team's Life Hair Balls & Nose Prints


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On Time Media Staff
Each day I think our pets recreate themselves in the amount of hair they lose.

Never in all of my life have I seen the amount of hair a cat and puppy can lose every day and it is a never-ending battle to keep up with. I have a small shop vacuum that has a few million miles on it. This vacuum was found many years ago when we were in a tractor-trailer to keep up with the pet hair our Cocker Spaniel, Molly lost every day. I have never seen another vacuum like it.

Hair is on everything, on the dash, on the gauges, on the seats, on us, and of course on the floor. Each day the vacuum is run and recently I found a brush to help keep the pet hair off of the seat cushions.



Active Expediter
That is why the alternate name for the breed is German Shedder. She is about 6 mth old.... wait till she blows her coat for the final adult coat to come in. Along with the vacuum, work with her on using the air hose. Blow the air against how her coat lays. Takes care of loose hair and the dust she collects daily.
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Dell I did not think about her getting her adult coat and that could be why she is shedding hair so bad. It seemed odd that in the middle of winter she is getting rid of so much hair. I did not think about blowing the air on her, I have vacuumed her a few times and I have a great shedder brush that I use on her. I will be glad when it slows down some but by then it will be spring and she will be getting her summer coat!