

Veteran Expediter
Since my truck is delayed AGAIN I keep thinking of more questions to ask. Does anyone with a D unit or smaller utilize gyms to work out and shower at? They are usually very slow during the day when we are also? I am going to look into this was curious if anyone belongs to a good chain. Is it to bothersome to get in and out?

Glen Rice

Veteran Expediter
When I started driving team at Roberts Express my owner had a membership to Bally's and took his showers there and laso get a little work out. You are allowed a quest also, so that was pretty cool.


Veteran Expediter
Charter Member
Roberts used to get a decent discount at YMCA's ,might still exist.
I carry a fold up bicycle that I will sometimes pedal around parks or malls.


Veteran Expediter
Went and did research on this today so for anyone who is intrested, I am joining a gym since I lost my membership at work for quitting. There is a Passport Program 3,000 gyms participate for 1-15 dollars you pay (most being$5) go to put in the city you are in and they all pop up. Call them in advance let them know you are on your way and thats it. Wow a workout and a shower. So two work outs and week plus a hotel stay with a gym I am all set. I am not a workout fanatic just know I am going get tight muscles sitting in a seat all day.

Home gym was $40.00 a month but someone on one of these forums insisted on always asking for a discount. Now the gym is $30.00 a month. Thanks to that tipster.