Group: 'Environmentally sound' refinery isn't clea


Retired Expediter
By The Associated Press

SIOUX FALLS -- The Save Union County Committee, a new group with concerns about an $8 billion oil refinery that could spring up near Elk Point, plans a community meeting Thursday.

Denny Larson, coordinator of the San Francisco-based National Refinery Reform Campaign, will give a presentation.

"Refineries have traditionally been one of the nation's major sources of tons of toxic organic compounds, like cancer-causing benzene, and chemicals which cause asthma and childhood-development problems," according to a statement from the campaign.

The Refinery Reform Campaign's Web site says the group wants to clean up America's oil refineries and reduce its dependence on fossil fuels.

Hyperion Resources Inc. of Dallas has confirmed potential plans for the refinery, which it called "the most environmentally sound energy center in the United States."

"We're all for informed decision-making," said Eric Williams of the Gallatin Group, a spokesman for Hyperion. "People should gather lots of information."

If built, it would be the first oil refinery built in the U.S. since 1976.

My thoughts on this is: This WILL be built!! First of all the speaker is from Ca..not good credibility..South Dakotians reject treehuggers in masses...The comments in the article from readers overhelmingly have the same theme...GO HOME and stay out of our state.


Veteran Expediter
RE: Group: 'Environmentally sound' refinery isn't

More refinery capacity means national security - get it together Mr. President and force the building of more refineries.

More refinery capacity does not mean we will use more oil.

More refinery capacity does not mean more pollution.

More refinery capacity does not mean we have to be dependent on foreign oil.

More refinery capacity means that this statement is not true; "Refineries have traditionally been one of the nation's major sources of tons of toxic organic compounds, like cancer-causing benzene, and chemicals which cause asthma and childhood-development problems,"

Fact is if every alledged cause for cancer and 'asthma and childhood-development problems' were eliminated, we would still have the problems.

There are a lot of new technologies used in refining today that were not there when the last refinery was built in this country.

The same goes for multiuse refineries which means we could shift from one source to another without a high cost of conversion.

Also just to throw this in, there is a technology that cuts the energy use to make alcohol products by 30 to 40% but we can't use it because it 'may' pollute a little more.


Retired Expediter
RE: Group: 'Environmentally sound' refinery isn't

The one big thing I've noticed about S.Dakota they don't like outside interference! They do what they think is good for the people. S.Dakota WANTS higher paying jobs not just tourist dollars and 7 dollar an hour jobs. This deal will be great for S.Dakota!