Great Philosophy !!!!!
"Obviously, ya haven't traveled NYC or Chi-Town ....or many other metropolitan cities.
I love the comment, "go around". You must realize, in alot of cases, there's NO "go around". I personally know of 100's of situations that if you utilize your "go around" method , you're gonna find yourself in the midst of a situation that'll cause you some of the worst case jackpots you'd ever imagine.
Simply put, there's no substitute for BIG TRUCK specific software. NONE"
Well golly gee willipers mister perfessional BIG TRUCK driver you would evidently be the expert on running into low overpasses, and such. In your files of hundreds of situations that you ve found your self in, maybe, perhaps, a dose of good old fashioned common sense might have come in handy. No software or hardware is going to do your thinking for you. If you re happy with whatever software you bought, thats great, couldnt be happier, but software is only as reliable as the people that put it together, therefore to rely on it solely without using good judgement and aforementioned common sense is at the very least flirting with disaster, as you can evidently attest to.