It's coming down the pike.
Regulations that is....
Evaluation of Safety Sensitive Personnel for Moderate-to-Severe Obstructive Sleep Apnea; Public Listening Sessions
A small update; Today was a scheduled DOT physical day. I found out upon arrival, that the Occupational Health facility required a release letter from my sleep doctor before I could get my DOT physical long form or card!!! That news got me real nervous as I saw my driving future go away before it could even get going. In fact, when the doctor came in, he asked me why my blood pressure was so high HOLY CRIPES!! No sleep doctor letter and high blood pressure... "I'm doomed" I told the doctor that I was nervous about not having "the letter" from my sleep doctor, and that shot my BP up... Long of the short, the sleep doctor is sending the letter over by fax, and I received my card and long form all the same... and I'm not so hypertensive anymore. They're getting serious about sleep apnea, I hope it does not truly doom me in the not so distant future.