Ron Paul not only has NO IDEA what being commander in chief would require of him, he as has no other real experience.
Entirely wrong .... he has a very good idea of what being commander in chief would require of him ..... probably better than most .....
the problem is simply that you disagree with him on what that is ....
Not that you would ever bother to look, but if one wanted to actually inform themselves (a rather novel concept for some, I'm sure) one could go to the following link and read what Dr. Paul's ideas and arguments are, in many different areas - they are voluminous:
The Ron Paul File
When was the last time he ran a budget of any size?
Ahhh ... I think he's been doing that for a number of years now ....
and quite successfully .....
But I would submit the above premise, as evidenced by your asking the question, represents an
utterly flawed understanding of what actually currently takes place in the United States government at the present time.
.... how much time do you really figure that any President spends, single-handedly, actually
"running the budget" .... micro-managing it ?
Puuleease ..... you really aren't serious, are you ?
At this point in the evolution of our little Amerikan experiment, so much of the government bureaucracy
essentially runs on "auto-pilot" (not mention the fact that often monies are earmarked to very specific things by Congress), as to make your premise above laughable, when applied to the Federal Budget as a whole .....
Further, Ron Paul - AFAIK - has been the only elected U.S. Congressman that has, repeatedly, run his office
under budget ....... actually spending less than what was allocated and then
returning money, year after year after year, to U.S. Treasury:
September 26, 2000 - Committee Reports Paul Returned Taxpayers' Funds Again In 1999
December 11, 2000 - Paul's Office Returns Money to the Treasury for the 4th Straight Year
July 30, 2001 - Paul Returns Unused Budget Funds to Treasury
August 12, 2002 - Paul Returns 20% of Office Budget To Treasury
March 24, 2004 - Paul Again Returns Unused Office Funds to Treasury
January 24, 2005 - Paul Returns Unused 2004 Office Funds to Treasury
January 11, 2008 - House Says Paul Again Set to Return Thousands to Treasury
June 10, 2009 - Congressman Paul Again Returns Thousands to Treasury
March 1, 2010 - Congressman Paul Returns Over $100,000 to Treasury
In my estimation, given the crowd we have had in there for at least the last five or so decades anyways, having someone that believes in
and actually has a long, proven record of operating on the simple fundamental principle of
spending less than what you take in, reigning in spending, and operating in a frugal manner, is far preferable to most of what other options are out there .....
Additionally, Ron Paul has experience as a representative of the people of 14th District of the state of Texas, dealing with the US Budget as a member of Congress (
there's a reason why they call him "Dr. No" .... and it ain't because he's been voting yes for every spending measure that's come down the pike .... 
) .... and has being doing so for years (including things which personally affect him, in terms of his own pocketbook):
February 21, 2007 - Paul Honored as "Taxpayers' Friend" for Tenth Consecutive Year
April 9, 2008 - Nation’s Largest Taxpayers Group Honors Congressman Ron Paul
February 25, 2010 - National Taxpayers Union Honors Congressman Paul
January 30, 1997 - Paul refuses to participate in "immoral" pension system
Plus his numerous and repeated votes against Congressional pay raises ... (not going to the effort to list them all)
Besides, it really makes no difference. Unless you elect an entire legislature that goes along with his ideas the entire thing is a waste of time.
I'm sorry to have to say this, but I find the above viewpoint a rather
sad and apathetic outlook (
".... nothing can be done about it .. so why even try .....")
Such viewpoints never result in actual change of conditions for the better, because they are, in fact,
self-defeating .....
Further, such a viewpoint (
"Unless you elect an entire legislature") would seem to indicate an
extreme unfamiliarity (I'm being polite here

) with how the political process actually works in practice ....
And perhaps you are entirely unfamiliar with the concept of the role of
"The Bully Pulpit" .... and the role it has played in American politics ....
Beyond the above however, the above (your comments, as enumerated) as
a political technique against a candidate, could be used as a way to induce such apathy in others ..... something that would be entirely reprehensible, and, in my opinion, morally bankrupt, when considered along with the outright lies that you have told with regard to Dr. Paul's military experience (
...... can't actually win on the issues, in the realm of ideas ..... so one lies, and then attempts to convince others that a candidate one doesn't personally care for doesn't have a chance)
The president is the C-N-C but does NOT control the purse strings or domestic policy.
That's not entirely true - our system is designed as
a set of checks and balances ...... the President and the Executive Branch being one of those ......
While it is true that all spending bills originate in the House, and require approval of the Senate, the President also has to sign them
in order to make them law.
The President has the option to demand of the Congress that any bill that they pass isn't the pork-ridden monstrosities that we've been getting for the last however many decades ...... and to veto any bill which he believes is not in the best interests of the American people, or is against the Consitution .....
Furthermore, since it is the President and the Executive Branch which
executes or implements domestic policy, he certainly has some input with regard to such policies - a factor which can be huge, in terms of exactly how those policies affect the citizens.
Still further, if the President is at loggerheads with the Legislative Branch, he has the option to involve the third branch of government, the Judiciary, thru the use of the courts, to settle matters.
Assuming he follows the Constitution that is.
For you to even posit the premise that Ron Paul
would not follow the Constitution, probably tells many reading here, who are not entirely unfamiliar with Ron Paul and his record, alot more about
you (
and your apparent lack of knowledge and familiarity with Ron Paul, his political philosophy, his record, and what he has repeatedly said ) than what you could possibly imagine .....
It's actually kinda funny - watching you attempt to minimize Dr. Paul -
because it's always the same old vague generalities (no idea, no experience, blah, blah, blah ......) ..... and never any detailed, informed debate about the merits of the actual ideas Dr. Paul espouses .... in fact, I'd be willing to bet that you would be hard-pressed to even enumerate what it is that Dr. Paul believes, or is for, or against .....
The real problem with operating in such a manner (arguing against what you don't know) is the inevitable
blowback ...
from those that do know and are far more familiar ....
Respect for the military helps, but it is not enough, in my opinion.
My guess is you are probably largely a
single-issue sort of dood - possibly for you it all largely revolves around national defense (and possibly to a lesser extent foreign policy) ...... and if the individual in question doesn't meet your criteria in that single respect, then all bets are off ......
Fair enough, you are certainly entitled to your opinion ....
We are stuck with the results of fools with no idea.
Ron Paul has plenty of ideas ..... in many, many cases,
the right ideas ...... and the more he speaks - and he's extremely active in doing so, traveling and speaking constantly .... the more the American people find out about him, become familiar with his political philosophy, and apparently,
they like what they are seeing ....
But it's my guess that you probably have very little idea about any of that ...... because I doubt that you have ever really read much at all of what Dr. Paul has written, or listened to much of what he has said ....
In fact, I'd be willing to bet that you didn't even read the linked articles that I posted .... (because you "already know" -
a condition which results when an individual substitutes his own preconceived notions in place of just simply looking and actually observing ....)
You know, ultimately, in the end, it isn't really about the specific person or individual personality at all - and, being the humble man that he is, Dr. Paul would be the first to tell anyone exactly that - it's about